CH 5: All Alone

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When I opened my eyes, and saw Ming standing next to me, it scared the crap out of me.

No one has ever come to see me. I'm always here alone. The only people in the house besides me are P'Sonthi, the butler, P'Hom, the cook, and P'Kanok, the maid, but they mostly stay in the staff wing. I only see them a couple times a day for meals and rides to and from school.

My father has been working out of the country since I was little. I can't really remember him ever being around. He did come home for a few days last year, but didn't stay long. It was actually ok he wasn't here for an extended amount of time, it felt weird having a stranger staying in the house.

My mother passed away when I was four. I have a few pictures of her, but I don't really remember much about her, except the sound of the piano when she played.

The piano room is my favorite room in the house. No one but me ever comes into this room, and I like it that way. I've heard the staff say they're afraid of this whole wing and don't want to work in this area. It's because they think my mother's spirit haunts this part of the house. Instead of being scared, I hope it's true. If it is, it would mean I'm not always alone.

Anyway, that's why opening my eyes to find someone staring back at me was kind of a shock. I almost fell, but Ming caught me which was even more embarrassing.

He said he was worried about me and that we're friends. It made me feel warm inside hearing him say those things. I hope he means them.

We're in my room now, reading some of my mangas. I think I might have tried showing him too many of my favorites, because after about 20 minutes he just ruffled his fingers through my hair and said, "You don't have to show them all to me today." He then took the one I was holding in my hands and started to read it. We're now sitting on my couch reading together.

After about an hour of reading, Ming releases a big yawn and spreads out stretching beside me. He looks around the room, but doesn't seem to find what he wants, then he looks at me.

"You'll do just fine."

I don't understand what he means until he turns his back to me and lays down, plopping his head into my lap. He releases another loud yawn, sets his book on the floor and closes his eyes. He wiggles a little as he makes himself comfortable before seemingly falling asleep.

I don't know what to do. I sit perfectly still, trying not to move as I stare down at the boy in my lap.

After I met Ming, I read up on wolves and found out they are pretty affectionate among their packs. Also, they seem to have a hard time with the concept of personal space, but I don't mind. It's actually kind of nice. It's just I don't know what I'm supposed to do.

"Ai'Yo, if you take a picture it will last longer." Ming says as he opens his eyes and looks up at me, with a smirk on his face. "Is there a reason you're staring at me?"

"I... uhh... no." I don't know what else to say and we just continue to stare at each other until we hear someone clearing their throat in the hall.

We both look at the doorway, and I see Sonthi standing there. "Master Wayo, I didn't know you had company today."

"Yes, P'Sonthi this is my friend from school, Ming Daichapanya. He brought my homework to me."

"Yes, of course. Master Wayo, I came to let you know dinner is ready."

I look down at Ming still laying in my lap, "Can you stay for dinner? Are you hungry?"

"Sure." He says still looking at Sonthi.

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