CH 13: Explanations

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I wake after our nap pleasantly trapped between Ming and Forth. Their warm bodies are pressed tightly against mine and I'm comfortable and happy between them.

I think back over what we did together a little while ago, and smile to myself. I've never done anything like that before. Never felt anything like that or had anyone touch me like that before. It was new and exciting. That didn't seem like their first time doing that. It makes me wonder if they do it often.

"Ai'Yo, what are you smiling about?" Ming teases me in a husky voice as he pinches my cheek. "Are you thinking naughty thoughts again so soon?"

"I wasn't." I try to deny.

"P'Forth, Ai'Yo was thinking naughty thoughts again already. I think you've created a monster."

I feel Forth's chest move as he chuckles quietly behind me. He plants a small kiss between my neck and shoulder, that makes me shiver, then he raises up to look at Ming, "Quit teasing him. You'll make him shy."

Ming rolls onto his back, "Fine. What do you two want to do today?"

"I don't think I have a preference. How about you, Shorty?"

"I don't care P'Forth. Whatever you two want to do is fine with me." I answer. Is it too soon to ask to do what we did earlier again? Was that a one-time thing? I have lots of questions.

"Well if none of us really care, then why don't we get cleaned up, have some food and just hang out like yesterday. Maybe, Shorty here could make it through a movie awake this time." Forth teases me.

"That sounds like a plan to me. I call first dibs on the shower." Ming jumps up out of bed and heads towards the restroom.

After we hear the shower start, Forth says, "Hey Shorty, can you roll over for a minute? I want to talk to you, na?" When I turn over, he puts his fingers under my chin and makes me look up at him.

"Hey, I want to make sure you're really ok with what happened this morning?" P'Forth tells me earnestly. "If you're not, I will make sure it doesn't happen again, na? But you need to tell me either way." He pauses, and I know he's waiting for me to say something.

Argh, why am I shy now??? I gather my thoughts, "P'Forth, I... I liked what we did a lot. I'd never done anything like that before. I think I'd like to do it again... today maybe?"

Forth busts out laughing. What was so funny? When he gets his laughter under control he says, "Wow, well, I wasn't expecting that." He gives me a fast, hard kiss. "How about we just hang out today and we'll try that again soon? Na?"

"Ok P'. But..."

"But what, Shorty?"

"But P'Forth, don't you do this with people you go out with? We're friends, right? I don't want to change us being friends. I don't want anything to change that. Ever."

"Yes, of course we're friends and nothing will change that. Ok? Look, not all friends do things like this together, but some do. It won't change the fact we're friends." He pauses as he thinks, "This doesn't happen all the time. Ming and I do this every now and then to relieve stress. It's never changed our friendship, and trust me, Ming and I are NOT going out." I giggle at his emphasis. "You can talk to him about it too, if you have questions for him, alright."

When I say ok, he gives me a very serious look, "Now keep in mind, you shouldn't do things like that with just anyone. You should only do things like that with people you really care about and who really care about you. Ming and I care about you, a lot, that's why we felt comfortable sharing this with you."

"I care about Ming and P'Forth too."

He ruffles my hair and wraps his arms around me for a tight hug. "I'm glad. I don't want you to ever feel uncomfortable, ok Shorty. If you don't like something, just tell me or Ming. We won't be mad, ok?"

"Ok, P'Forth. I will." I return his hug, feeling happy and secure.

"Ming will be out of the shower soon. Why don't you get your clothes together and get ready to get in after him, na?" I nod and climb out of bed.

We hear the shower turn off and a few minutes later Ming walks out with a towel slung low on his hips. "Who's next."

"I am," I say as I head into the shower.



I'm looking through drawers of clothes trying to find something comfortable to wear today. I'm also waiting to hear the shower turn on. Once I hear it, I turn to Forth expectantly, "What did he say?"

"He said he's fine and that he thinks he would like to do it again. Today actually. It made me laugh." Forth stops smiling and looks at me with a serious expression. "N'Ming, that was his first time."

"Which part?" I ask cheekily.

Forth is still serious as he says, "All of it. His first kiss. I'm not sure about his first orgasm, he's a teenage boy after all. But definitely his first time being touched by another person."

I'm taken aback by what he's saying, "P'Forth, how can he possibly be so innocent? I mean I'm only six months older than him, but I haven't been that pure for a long time."

He grunts at me, "Nong, that's different and you know it. We're wolves. We're generally more sexually active at a younger age than humans." He looks towards the bathroom, "Besides you've seen his house and the way he lives. You've also seen how shy he can be, can you really imagine him doing what we did this morning with someone else?"

I think about Yo for a minute, "No."

"Exactly, No. Look I'm thrilled we included him and that it went really well, but we need to be careful with him. I told you what the Luna said last night before we both decided on this. I told you we had to be sure we wanted this and that it's wasn't just something to try and say we did. He can't be a toy for us to play with, that can't happen."

"I know that and I'm sure. Ok? I want us to be friends and I want to be able to touch him too. I mean he's almost irresistible, and as you pointed out a minute ago, I'm a wolf, not a saint." I chuckle, but Forth is being humorless.

"As long as we're on the same page. Hurry up and get dressed, he'll be out soon."

"Shit, don't rush me I'm air drying."

"W-w-what?" Forth stutters out through his surprised laughter.

"What are you laughing at P'? I have sensitive parts that need to be air dried."

Forth is rolling on the bed laughing at this point and I'm glad. He's way to serious most of the time. Always trying to be the strong one, the one in charge.

I think he needs to laugh more. We're still young, we need to laugh and enjoy our youth while we can.

The bathroom door opens and Yo walks out still drying his hair. "What did you do to P', Ai'Ming?"

"Me? I didn't do anything to him. He's just a silly bastard." Oomph. I receive a pillow to my face from Forth for my efforts.

Now Yo is giggling too.

Watching them laugh makes me happy. 

11.14.2017  8:48 am  US CST

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