CH 44: Actually, You Kissed Me

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A/N: Since I'm already up, here's today's chapter a little early!  :-]



Pha took Yo back to the dorm with him after we left the emergency clinic. Beam asked Forth to take him home and Forth quickly agreed before remembering about me.

Thankfully Kit stepped in, "I can drop you off at home, N'Ming."

"Thanks P', that'd be great." I said excited. After all the stress earlier, it'll be nice to have some quiet time with Kit, even if it's just a short drive home.

Once we're in his car, he turns to me, "Are you hungry?"

"Yes, P'. Starving."

"Alright, let's eat dinner then."

"My Kitkat, are you taking care of me?" I ask cheekily to tease him, so I can see his cute reactions.

He sputters and blushes, "Hell No! Why the fuck would I do that? I can just drop you off you know!"

I flash him my puppy eyes and sad face. They might not be as powerful as Yo's, but I find they work on my Kit just fine. "But P', I'm hungry. Would you really send me home hungry, P'?"

"You..!" He yells before he stops himself. He heaves a big sigh and I know I've won, "Fine, we'll eat, but then I'm taking you straight home."

"Thank you, my Kitkat!"


After dinner at a little shop, Kit stuck to his word and drove me home.

On the way, I got lost in thought. I realize it's be 37 days since I met him. Damn it, a third of my time to convince him to be my mate has already gone by, and I still don't know what he is thinking. He hasn't stopped dating me, which is a good sign, but he hasn't let me give him more than a hug and a stolen kiss on the cheek either. So not exactly an overly promising outlook.

I start and shake loose of my thoughts, when a hand is waved in front of my face, "N'Ming you're spacing out. Are you ok?"

I look around and see that we're already at my dorm. However, instead of just pulling up in front of the building so I can get out, Kit parked in one of the spaces and turned the car off.

"Yes P', I was just thinking about some things. I didn't realize we were already here." I reach for the door handle but his hand lands on my other arm stopping me.

"Are you worried about Yo."

"Well, yes, but that's not what I was thinking about P'. I was thinking about you, or rather us."

He lowers his head quickly, but I caught a hint of the blush that sprung up on his cheeks. "Oh? What were you thinking?"

Does he really want to know? Let's find out. I look out the window as I talk. "I was thinking that I've known you for 37 days already and I'm still not really sure if you even like me. I was thinking I haven't even gotten to properly give you a kiss yet. I'm thinking about what I will do if you end all this and reject me. I'm thinking..."

"Ok, Ok. I get it. Stop."

So, he really didn't want to know after all. "Sorry, P', you asked, and I didn't want to lie to you." As I reach for the door handle again, I turn my head to look at him and say good night, but stop in shock when I feel his hands on my cheeks as he leans in to give me a soft kiss.

This is the first time he's initiated any display of affection, so I don't even think about moving. I hold absolutely still and let him do whatever he wants.

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