CH 51: He Did Not Flirt with Me

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A/N: Congratulations to @Glo_glo12 for their amazing deduction skills. A few days ago, you figured out how Wayo got drugged, even though I had purposely left it really vague! 

I always read the comments but I don't always answer them because I don't want to give away the plot or story line. So, a big Thank You to everyone who comments!!  



I'm so pissed off right now I want to scream! Why won't he die already? This is the second time he survived.

Honestly, I didn't think he'd die from the fall, but I hoped. However, I expected him to die from the GHB overdose. He should have, there is no reason he should still be alive. Unless, my brother didn't give him the whole dose like he said he did.

Speaking of my brother, he's sitting on the couch in my room looking way too relieved at this terrible news.

"I thought you gave him the whole dose in the bottle?"

"How many times do I have to tell you I did. When he set his drink on the bar, I poured the whole bottle in. I had no reason to hold any of it back. I thought it was only going to make him sick, that's what you told me it would do. We got lucky he survived."

"Yeah, sure. Lucky." I say with as much sarcasm as I can pack into my voice.

"What is up with you?" he yells. "We are lucky. I could have been murderer, P'. You almost made me a murderer."

That's it! I've had it with his whining, "I've told you this before, but I will tell you again, this is what we are here to do. We're here for revenge. He has to die."

"You've completely lost it. I'm not going to be involved in this anymore. How many times do I have to tell you, he didn't do anything to us. We have no reason to get revenge on him."

"How can you say that? After everything that's happened to us. To our family. It's all his fault. His and his mother's. She's already dead, so he has to pay for both their sins."

"It's not his fault! It's our stupid father's fault! He caused all of this! Everyone is miserable because..."

SMACK! I slap his so hard across the face his head jerks to the side, and I start screaming at him. "Who do you think you are?!? Do you not have any respect for our father?!? He has provided for us our whole lives and this is how you repay him? With your lack of respect?"

My brother touches him hand to his mouth and pulls it back looking at the blood smeared across it from his bleeding lip. He then turns his burning gaze, filled with shock and anger on me. "Respect? He doesn't deserve my respect. He kept us hidden from everyone while he went off and married someone else. Then he ran his company into the ground with his drinking and gambling, and blamed it on everyone but himself. If you accept his drunken rants as truth then you are just as crazy as he is."

He looks me over one last time before pushing past me towards the door. I'm too stunned by his speech to do anything to stop him from leaving. I wince as the door slams closed behind him and wonder to myself if I just let my anger and frustration make a big miscalculation.



It's Tuesday and I was able to go back to school today, with no after effects from the drug overdose. I'm glad to be at school. I feel like I need the normalcy its providing right now. Usually, I'm heading home by this time of day since classes are over, but my music instructor asked me to come by the practice hall for an extra session today to go over an arrangement for an upcoming concert. I let Pha know I have to stay late and he says he will come by to pick me up when I'm done.

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