CH 19: Worry, Frustration & Pink Milk

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I didn't want to leave, but staying there in between the three of them would have only made things worse. I had already pissed off the wolves just by being in Yo's room. I chuckle as I remember the look on the taller one's face. He looked like he was going to lunge for me when I put my arm around Yo.

Besides, why stay there, when I can hear their conversation through the walls just as well as if I was in the room.



After watching the vamp walk to his room, Yo turns back to look at us and the smile drops from his face to be replaced with an indifferent expression, "Do you want to go eat now or would you like to see my room?"

Yo is an odd combination of 'really sweet' and 'don't mess with me'. What that means is he's generally sweet tempered and easy going, but when he gets mad at you, he can be a little scary. Right now, he's irritated at Forth, so not quite scary yet, but headed that direction. I just hope Forth handles this correctly and doesn't make him mad.

Since, Forth looks like he is still trying to breathe without screaming, I jump in and answer for both of us, "Why don't you show us your room?"

"Come in." He turns and walks away. He stands looking out the balcony door with his back to us.

We walk in and both take a look around. It looks like Yo got a lot of unpacking done this morning. I can see all the empty and flattened boxes placed off to the side, and his room looks mostly set-up. But every time I inhale the scent of vampire invades my nose, and all I can think is, how long was he here? I look over at Forth, I know he can smell the guy too, and he's probably wondering the same thing I am.

Forth and I really don't have any right to question Yo too much, since neither one of us is his mate. But he is our best friend and we care about him deeply.

For the longest time, Yo has really only needed Forth and I as his friends. I mean he's friendly with other people, but it's not the same. That's mostly Forth's and my fault though for almost never letting anyone get close to him. It's just part of our natures to be possessive and protective. So, it's just been the three of us. That's why seeing someone unknown in Yo's room with their arm around him is startling and unsettling. I'm going to have to talk to Forth about this.

Speaking of which, Forth looks like he is finally calming down enough to speak. It also seems like he understands Yo is irritated with him, and that he needs to work this out. He walks over to stand beside him, "Shorty, don't be mad, ok?"

"P'Forth you had no right to talk to my friend like that." Yo's voice is clipped and sounds testy.

"I was just surprised and worried. You know this whole room mix up has completely stressed me out. I thought the three of us would be together again like we used to be."

"We're at the same college, P'Forth. We will see each other often."

"Will we? No, I don't think so. Ming and I will see each other often. We live in the same dorm building and we're in the same faculty. However, you live all the way across campus and you're course of study is completely different from ours." I watch as Yo's tense shoulders slowly being to relax. It looks like Forth words are hitting home.

Yo turns to face him. "We always knew we'd be in different faculties, but I thought the three of us would at least be in the same building too. So, I understand your frustration, I'm frustrated too, but don't take it out on other people P'Forth. Pha has been nice to me. He took me to breakfast this morning and then helped me unpack."

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