CH 38: Dates with Vampires (P1 - MingxKit)

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I'm sitting in the coffee shop waiting for Kit to arrive. It's late in the evening, so the shop is almost empty of customers. It will probably be a bit before he gets here. I had set my alarm to make sure I arrive about 30 minutes early. I need the extra time to try and calm my nerves.

My eyes are closed and I'm taking deep breaths to try and slow my heart beat when I smell the most delicious scent in the whole world. My mate, Kit. I open my eyes to watch as he walks across the room towards me.

"You're early." He says as he takes the seat across from me.

"Yes, I wanted to make sure I wasn't late. Would you like something to drink?"

"Yeah, I'll get it." He starts to stand.

I jump up from my seat, "No. I say as I stand. Just tell me what you want, and I'll get it for you."

He gives me a grumpy look, but settles back into his seat and tell me what he wants. I head to the counter to order his drink and a few other things, then bring it all back to the table when it's ready.

He looks over the tray of sweets I set before him, then looks at me. "I didn't order any of this."

"I know, but I thought you might like something sweet. I didn't know what you would want though, so I just ordered everything that looked good." I give him a smile as I take my seat again.

We sit and talk for quite a bit. He asks me lots of questions about my life and pack, school, and what I want to do in the future. I ask him the same and we slowly learn a little about each other.

"I know you're older than me, P', but can I ask how old you are?"

"In vampire years, I'm 23. You're 19, right?"

"Yes, but I'll be 20 in a couple of months. You said vampire years earlier, how old are you in human years?"


I end up choking on the drink I'm swallowing, which turns into a coughing fit. When I can breathe again, I ask in a raspy voice, "53?"

He's laughing at my reaction, so he has to catch his breath too before he can explain, "Yes, 53. We age normally for the first 20 years as we grow, then our aging slows to about one year for each human decade."

I stop to think about what that means. Wolves age normally to about age 18, then we age about one year for every two human years. "So, we'll look the same age in a few years, but as I age you'll stay looking really young." I never thought about that. I do some quick math in my head. "So, if I die when I'm old, let's say 200, then you'll still look only about 40 or so, right."

He looks at me sadly, "Yes. It's why a lot of vampires don't accept mates from other species."

I hide my sadness at the thought of not being able to grow old together with my mate, and put on a brave face. "Well, you have nothing to worry about P'. I bet you'll be just as sexy as you are now when you're in your 40s, so I promise I'll still chase you around when I'm old. I'm sure I'll be a very spry old wolf." I give him a charming smirk.

He blushes a little at my words, but gives me scowl in return. "Pretty sure of yourself, aren't you?"

I decide to be honest, "No, P'Kit. I'm actually unsure about this whole situation. The thought of my mate rejecting me and the idea that I will age while you won't, are both terrifying to me. But, I'm trying to be brave right now."

I watch as his eyes soften as he looks at me. He glances at the sweet filled tray sitting on the table between us, then finally reaches for one of the sweets. He mumbles, "I like these, so next time don't buy the whole store, alright?"

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