CH 21: Breakfast with Wolves

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"Y-yes, he's why we're here."

Ok, he finally admitted at least this much. I've been waiting for him to confide in me for years about what his interest was in this boy.

"Was that really so hard?" I ask him with a smile.

"Yes." He looks a little afraid right now. Probably because he knows me and knows I'm going to want more information about what is going on.

"Look you don't have to tell me anything else right now." He visibly relaxes at my words, which is kind of irritating, but I let it go. "But you're going to have to tell me at some point." I watch his shoulders tense back up. Ha! Gotcha!

He moves to sit down on the couch and reaches for the remote for the TV, but he stops when I ask, "What are you doing?"

"Turning on the TV. I thought you wanted to hang out." My god, my friend is stupid.

"I did, but wouldn't you rather go and see if you can still meet him for breakfast."

His eyes flash to the door, then back to me quickly. He has a hopeful expression on his face.

"Just go idiot. You should probably run. I'll just go bother..." the door slams behind him, "Beam."

I sigh and shake my head.



I'm able to catch up with Yo at the restaurant. He's typing on his phone when I approach his table. "Can I sit with you?"

Startled, he jumps a little at my words. When he looks up, a cute shy smile spreads across his face. "I thought you were busy with your friend, P'."

"I was, but now I'm not. Can I still take you up on your breakfast invite?"

He blushes a little under my gaze, "Of course, P'Pha."

I join him and when the auntie brings his food to the table, I order for myself. We sit, eat, and have simple conversation. Him asking questions to try to get to know me and me relearning things I already know about him. It's different hearing it from him directly.

I think we're having a really nice time, until I look up and see a couple of complications enter the restaurant.

I observe his friends walk in and watch as they look around for him. I can't help but chuckle a little, under my breath, as they both bristle up when they find him sitting with me. They quickly head over to our table.

Information on them has been in the reports I've received for the last three years or so, but before yesterday I hadn't seen them in person. I know they are protective of Yo and I appreciate it. However, there is one important thing they don't know yet, he's no longer theirs to worry about. He's mine now.

Yo is asking me a question, when they walk up and the taller one, Forth, says, "I guess we worried about you having breakfast alone for nothing."

Yo looks up in surprise at his voice, "P'Forth. Ai'Ming. What are you doing here?"

"We didn't want you to eat breakfast by yourself, so after your text we decided to drive over and join you." The shorter one, Ming, answers. I guess he had to reply since Forth is busy staring daggers at me.

Yo looks between me and the two wolves. I watch as different thoughts flash quickly through his eyes, before a cute but determined look crosses his features. "Sit. Join us. This gives me the chance to properly introduce you to my new friend and neighbor."

They agree, but make this as awkward as they possibly can. Instead of one of them sitting beside Yo and one beside me, Ming sits in the chair beside Yo and Forth drags an empty chair from nearby to flank his other side. Well, that was a clear declaration from them.

I have mixed emotions right now. I'm trying to keep a straight face, because I want to laugh at their antics, but I'm also irritated at their closeness to Yo.



I watch as Ming sits beside me and then I expect Forth to sit beside Pha. Instead, he grabs a free chair and pulls it over to sit on the other side of me. Wow, what was I thinking, of course they wouldn't make this easy.

All I can do is hang my head in exasperation with these two friends of mine. I want to so badly to pop both of them on the back of the head. But their heads are so hard, I'll only end up hurting my hand.

The one thing making this even partially acceptable is when I look up at Pha, I can see a small smile at the corner of his lips and a hint of laughter in his eyes. Thank goodness, he's slightly amused instead of insulted.

"Ok, now that we are all sitting, P'Pha these are my friends Ming Daichapanya and Forth Jamornhun. Ai'Ming, P'Forth this is my new friend and neighbor Phana Kongthanin.

Dead silence. I swear I can hear crickets chirping somewhere in the background.

Finally, Pha offers the guys a small but polite wai. "It's nice to meet N'Yo's friends."

Ming and Forth just stare at him until I elbow both of them in the ribs, then Pha receives two quick wais and mumbled greetings in return.



Why is he hanging around Yo? Actually, I'm sure I know why, I'm just trying to block the idea from my mind.

No one had dared to hit on Yo while we were in secondary school, Ming and I were always by his side. Those who were brave enough to even contemplate it, soon abandoned any hopes of making an attempt, when they were confronted by angry wolves warning them away.

Now, he'd been here for less than 48 hours and this Phana guy was already giving him the full court press. I need to nip this in the bud as quickly as possible. I have to talk to this guy without Yo around.

I wait until Yo reaches for his glass and as he brings it closer to take a sip I 'accidentally' jostle his arm, spilling his drink on him. I grab the napkins and start wiping him off as I say I'm sorry, but I'm pleased that it has gone so smoothly.

I give him a concerned face, "N'Yo, I'm sorry about that, it was an accident. Why don't you go to the bathroom and get cleaned up?"

"Alright, P'Forth. Excuse me, I'll be right back." He walks away holding his shirt away from his body.

As soon as he is out of sight, I hear clapping and turn back to the table. "That was interesting. Clumsily done, but I doubt he noticed. He's very trusting of the two of you."

I get straight to the point, "What do you want with him? And don't say to be his friend, because I know that's not all there is."

"I thought my interest in Yo would be quite clear to you. You're a big boy after all. I didn't expect to have to explain." He gives me a smug smirk.

"Oh, I'm sure I do understand, and that's why I'm going to warn you off right now."

"You're both awfully possessive of someone who, I'm 100% positive, is neither of yours' mate. At least, I didn't see a mating mark on him yesterday when he got out of the shower." He gives me a self-satisfied look.

Ming jumps in, "What did you just say?"

"Do you really want me to repeat it?" He looks at both of us. "He's you friend and you're protective of him, I get it. Probably in the past he was even slightly more that, but that's all over now."

"Listen here, who..." I start, but he interrupts.

"No, you listen. I'll be perfectly clear about my intentions, so there will be no unanswered questions about them in the future. I plan to make Yo mine and only mine, and there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop it."

Growls slip out of both Ming and I at his words.

11.22.2017   8:52 am  US CST

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