Chapter 1: Magazines

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So this fanfic is basically like an extended imagine:) enjoy. oh and btw (Y/N) is short for "your name", just in case you didnt know:) so just kinda fill in the blank xx

"(Y/N), what do you think of these shoes?" You hear your best friend and roomate, Leah, speak to you from across the room. She's lying on her stomach, her long blonde hair tossed into a messy bun, and she is facing the fashion magazine she is holding toward you.

"Very cute, Leah," you reply. It's been a lazy day. Literally all you and Leah have done is sit on your bedroom floor and skim through magazines. Sitting criss-crossed, with your back against the wall, you quickly flip through an OK magazine, barely paying attention. You begin to wonder why you're even looking at it in the first place, but you continue to skim. You freeze when you come across a picture of "The Biggest Boy Band Across The Globe!". You carefully study each face, finally reaching your brother's. It's an older photo; his hair is longer here, and curlier as well. You think back to the time you use to ruffle that hair as though he were younger than you, when in reality he's a year older. Suddenly your heart sinks. He's been gone for a month now, not to return home for another two. You hated him being gone. You love that he's living his dream, and you support him and his friends 100%! But the fame, the music, the management, EVERYTHING, meant travel and lots of it. Looking at the picture, you start to remember all the play fights you and your brother had as kids, real fights you experienced as you grew up, and even the battles he tried fighting for you. He's the best. You flash back to the time you first experienced REAL boy trouble, and came to him crying. He hugged you gently, though there was so much anger swelling within him. He hated seeing you cry, and you remember laughing at him as he asked you who he needed to beat up. You remember how safe you felt when he told you he'd protect you, and that he would always be there for you.

"(Y/N)...(Y/N). (Y/N) PAYNE!" Leah yells, causing you to jump and the magazine to fly out of your hands. She laughs a little, "Girl, what is going on with you? Oh." She notices the photo.

"I just miss him, that's all. Actually I miss them all! Well... sorta..." Except for Harry, you think, but you try to push that thought away. "I just wish he was home more, ya know? And the lads, I wish they were around more often too!" You grew found of the boys. You and Niall became fast friends, considering he was always around when Liam would visit your flat while on vacation, or when you would visit Liam's. He's basically one of your best friends. Zayn is so easy to get along with, so layed back and cool. Louis, he had to grow on you. At first, he annoyed you, constantly pranking you or screaming random, unnecessary things, but you ended up loving him. You couldn't help it. Then there's Harry. You can't stand him. Or could you? You aren't quite sure. It's too difficult to describe, and sometimes you even get confused trying to explain it to yourself. As of right now, you two didn't leave off on the best of terms...

There is a ding and you look down at your phone to find a new text message and the name "Liam" flash across your screen...

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