Chapter 9: Liam's Room

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You lie awake in bed, your mind running wild. That kiss changed everything. Silly, how something as simple as that can make you fall hard. His touch shot an electric vibe through your veins. Everything was... Right. He didn't ask to come inside; he decided to kick it old school and just leave you with a  goodnight kiss. You smile to yourself as you remember him reluctantly letting go of your hand before you stepped inside your room. You remember looking into the peep hole and watching him throw his fist into the air as he walked away mouthing the word 'Yes!'. Your heart is beating happily, and you realize that nothing can take that moment away from you. You flip over to your side and grab your phone from the bed-side table. Three new messages.

Liam: U sleeping? if not u can come to my room. watchin movies and skyping with Danielle:)

Niall: I KNEW IT!!! U and Harry!;) why didnt u tell me??

Harry: Good night, lovely. Sweet dreams:) xx

You text Harry first.

You: Night, Harry:) i'll see you tomorrow x

Harry: Night:) xx

You don't reply. You know that if you do, that boy won't get any sleep tonight. You reply to Liam next. There is no way you'll be sleeping tonight.

You: I'll be right over:)

Liam: Alright! Niall's here too:)

You: ok

You send the message as you get out of bed and put your slippers on. You sneak past Harry's room and make your way over to Liam's. He opens the door before you even knock.

"(Y/N)! We're about to watch Toy Story." A huge smile spreads across his face.

"Oh Lord," you sigh. You find yourself watching this movie EVERY TIME you spend time with Liam, but you don't mind quite so much. It's a good movie. You walk past the front part of the hotel room and make your way to the back bedroom. Niall is lying on the bed, ready to watch the movie. He throws you a wink and you feel your stomach churn. He better not say anything in front of Liam. Not yet. All three of you squeeze onto the king sized bed; you are squished between the two.

"Where's Louis?" You ask, and both of them shrug.

"I dunno. With Harry maybe?" Niall says while shoving a handful of popcorn into his mouth.


"Passed out. He was tired. Now shh, the movie's starting!" Liam's eyes are glued to the screen. A few minutes into the movie, Liam's computer starts making noises. There is an incoming Skype call coming from Danielle. He lunges off the bed, tripping and face-planting onto the ground. He quickly crawls his way over to the computer.

"It's Danielle!" He shouts. He then recollects his self and calmly looks to you and Niall.

"I'm going to take this, guys, I'll be in the front room." He runs out of the bedroom with excitement, his laptop secured in his hands. You and Niall both laugh at this childish sight, until Niall suddenly stops and looks at you.

"You didn't reply to my text, missy." He raises one of his eyebrows, obviously expecting you to spill everything.

"So, tell me. What made you change your mind about Harry?" He asks. You bite your lip, let out a sigh and tell him everything from the feelings he made you experience from day one to present.

"So you hate him... but you love him?" He says this while running his fingers through his hair in confusion. You nod.

"I refused to believe he changed. I was scared that if I let my guard down, he'd break me. But he's changed. I can feel it. Like everything he's done from the time I landed in Dallas to today has been different. And in the way he kissed me, it was-"

"Woah there! He kissed you?" Niall jumps up and is now standing over you. You had left that part out. You move yourself into seating position and face him. You immediately regret saying it.


He kissed her? A little bit of anger builds inside of me. No one touches her. Not even Harry. He's one of my best friends, but she's like my little sister. Or she is now. Or at least that's how she views me, as her second big brother. Ugh I don't know. There was a time that I wanted her to be mine, but I was too afraid to try for her. Ugh, if only she would have fallen for me, she wouldn't be so confused, but it's okay. I don't feel the same way anymore. I don't think. She basically is my little sister now. I think.

"Should I be pissed...or?" I ask myself.

"No, Niall, don't be silly," she giggles. I was unaware I had asked this question out loud.

"Why would you be mad?" She looks up at me with her big brown eyes.

"Well because, I love him to death, but he's so... Harry. He's a great guy, but your you and... and... Dammit, I don't have a good reason. I feel like I'm not suppose to let this happen. You're like the little sister I never had. I'm suppose to look out for ya, protect ya, and be there, ya know?" I don't know what to say. Honestly, I don't even know how I feel. As much as I want to protect (Y/N), I feel a little bit of pride in my boy, Harry as well. It's like I'm torn in half. One side holding (Y/N) back and keeping her safe, and the other cheering Harry on. She slides off the bed and wraps her arms around me.

"I know, I know, that's why I love you, Niall, but I have Liam to worry about. Just think about how he'll react when he finds out one of his best friends kissed HIS little sister." Oh man. Liam is so chill. Probably one of the nicest people I know, but when it comes to his younger sister...

"Oh. Yeah. Well when are you going to tell him you fancy Harry? You can't just tiptoe around him forever." I say leaning back to look at her face. Her eyebrows are furrowed and she looks to the ceiling.

"Thats... errmm... That's a good question. Soon," she says gazing into my eyes. "What do you look so worried for?"

"I just don't want you hurt..." I grab her shoulders and examine her face. There's life in her eyes that I don't want to see break. He better treat her right.

"I'm a big girl, Niall," she smiles at me. I honestly don't have a good feeling about this.

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