Chapter 16: Zayn Malik, You Angel

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Your heart is bursting in your chest as you run. Fast. Your hand is throbbing because you had knocked it into Niall's door as you escaped his grip and ran like crazy out of his room after proclaiming his love for you. You remember the hurt in his eyes as you stood, silent, and returning his expression with a panicked, frightened one.

You slide nearly missing the room you're running to. Nearly falling to the ground you catch yourself on the door frame and bang on the door.

"Woah woah woah, what's the panic?" Zayn opens his door.

"Hiya (Y/N)!" You rush through the door and shut it behind you. He casually walks over to his desk, where an open laptop is and sits down. He knows your panicked. He also knows your in absolute shock, yet he stays perfectly calm, shutting his laptop, leaning over in his chair where his elbows are touching his knees and his hands are locked together. He examines you carefully.

"Alright, before I witness an absolute mental break down, are you going to tell me what happened or am I just going to have to assume it's not good news?" He says while rubbing his chin. His chocolate brown eyes continue to watch you with a hint of worry and mockery.

"You're just going to have to assume, Zaynie." You say hunching over, trying to catch your breath. His face lights up and a smirk appears. You've called him Zaynie since the day you've met him, and you're the only one he lets call him that. He always said 'if it were anyone else, it'd be embarrassing'. Zayn finally just raises his eyebrows and puts his hand out toward the bed. You nod and go lay down. He then spins back in his chair and hunches over the desk.

This is nice. You love being able to come to someone you fully trust and not be forced to tell them everything. How could you tell him? You trust him, but how could you tell him his two best friends were both in love with you. You couldn't do that. You couldn't cause more drama for the band. That's why you went to Zayn. So you can be comforted without words even being exchanged. You would have gone to Liam, but he'd be too worried. He'd make you spill everything. Same with Louis. He'd make you go into each and every detail.

It's very quiet in the room. You can hear yourself breathing, but this time it's slowed down. You're relaxed. You can hear Zayn scribbling something down on a sheet of paper across the room, and you feel so calm. Though he's saying nothing, Zayn gives off this calming and comforting aura. You shut your eyes and drift away from what has happened. You don't want to think about breaking your best friends heart.

Suddenly you feel someone sit on the bed. You open your eyes. Zayn holds out a sheet of paper with a big smile on his face. You sit up and grab it, examining it carefully.

"Hahahaha... this is... this... what is this?" You look up at him with a confused expression.

"It's you!" He laughs.

"Ohh... I see it now. Kinda." You turn it a little and giggle. It's just a stick figure drawing with bunches of doodles surrounding it.

"Hey! If you're going to insult my artwork, I'll just take it back!" He holds out his hand. You turn away and hold the picture against your chest.

"NO I WANT IT!" You laugh.

"That's what I thought."

"Thanks, Zaynie." You say looking down. He really knows how to keep your mind off things.

"No problem, kid." He smiles and ruffles your hair. He starts to get up.


"Hmm?" He turns back around.

"I feel like I really shouldn't say anything."

"Then don't." He puts his hand up.

"But then again, I want too. It's like these huge secrets that are weighing down on me, you know? It regards all of the drama going down lately. I feel like I need to tell someone, but then again, I feel like I need to keep it bottled up." You start to play with the sheets out of an act of nervousness.

"Well if you're so torn on the decision of telling or not, ask yourself this: is it really YOUR secret to tell?"

"Partially." You bite your lip.

"If it's someone else's secret as well, then maybe you should keep it that way. If it's 100% yours, then I'm all ears. Well I'm all ears either way... But maybe that'll help you with your decision-making." It is someone else's secret. The whole reasoning behind the fight between Harry and Niall was their secret. The issues you were having with Harry was his secret. Niall's confession was his secret. Maybe you didn't have the right to tell anyone else. Maybe you didn't need to. These weren't your secrets. You shouldn't have to deal with them. They shouldn't bother you. You nod, giving him the indication that he's right and you've decided not to tell. A few seconds of silence goes by.

"I'm stuck in a tiny dilemma as well..." You begin to say.


"Yea. I think I hurt someone's feelings." You're referring to Niall. You feel awful for running out on him like that. You love Niall. You really do. But that was too much and it freaked you out. Plus you have a boyfriend. Why'd he think NOW would be a good time to throw that confession out there? You couldn't help it. You had to run. You had to escape from that. You wish he never told you.

"Oh here we go..." Zayn says rolling his eyes and chuckling.

"No! Really! I feel awful! They're my friend and I think I hurt them!" You say, biting your lip. Zayn looks at you and realizes you aren't going to give any names.

"You're acting just like Liam right now, I hope you know that." He says.


"You're so worried about someone else's 'feelings'. What happened? Did you forget to say 'Bless you' when they sneezed?" He laughs.

"No." You scowl.

"This friend of mine just so happened to let me in on a little secret. Well it wasn't quite so little to me. It was huge actually. And it freaked me out. They expected me to talk to them about it, but I just kinda... Ran." You say. He realizes you aren't going to admit any more of the story.

"So that's why you came to my room, breathless. You were running away." He says rubbing his chin, looking at the wall behind you.

"I feel bad," you say, "I'm not brave enough to confront them about it. I'm weak. I just don't want to... not be friends, you know? I want them to forgive me for being such a coward and running away from it." You look down, ashamed.

"That's a lie." He shakes his head.

"Excuse me?"

"You're far from a coward, (Y/N). You are braver than you give yourself credit for. You deal with fans just as much as we do. You deal with unnecessary comments on twitter and what not, and most of all... It takes guts to agree to staying with five lads like ourselves for 2 months." He laughs.

"But in all seriousness, (Y/N), you are brave." He adds.

"Build on the courage that I KNOW is there, and talk to them. You don't have to directly talk about what scares you, just let them know that it was too much to handle all at once, and apologize."

"Thank you." You say looking up at him.

"You really do help. Like a lot. I can trust you with anything, it feels like. I hope you know that." You add.

"It's what I'm here for." He smiles and gives you a hug. He is such an angel. So intellectual and kind. He really knows you...he really knows life. 

You leap off the bed and leave his room. First stop: Niall's room. You owe him an apology.

End of chapter 16. Sorry this ones a little short. And not quite as interesting. It's kinda a dull chapter, but the next one I'll make a little more interesting I promise. Anyway you know the drill. What do you think is going to happen? What relationships do you think you're going to see unfold? And what do you think is going to happen when (Y/N) goes to see Niall? Do you think Harry is going to find out about Niall's feelings? Comments, questions, and feedback is excepted. thanks for reading babes. xx once agian, sorry for the dullness of this chapter :) xx

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