Chapter 12: Rollercoaster Relationship

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After sitting in the bathroom for a few minutes, Harry convinces you that he is fine and pulls you off of the side of the tub.  

"You ready to go, babe?" He says smoothly.  

"Go," you give him a sly look, "where...?"  

"Hmm, maybe I should just keep it a surprise." He kisses your forehead and then grabs your face looking deep into your eyes. He smiles and grabs your hand, pulling you out of the room and into the hall, to the lift, to the lobby, and then outside. Fans, who are still camped outside, begin to go crazy!  

"Oh my god! HARRY! Look this way Hazza! You don't know this but we're going to get married one day! I LOVE YOU! (Y/N) Hey! Are you and Harry together? Wheres Liam? Can I get a picture? Wait what about Niall? You're just friends right?" Almost two years later, and you still have a hard time dealing with fans. You're not the famous one here, why do they insist on taking pictures? You're just normal. Just (Y/N). You look up at Harry, who nods towards the fans. You decide that it's time to learn how to interact with them. You smile at the crowd and wave. A girl holds out her hand and waves you over. You leave Harry's side while he takes a photo with a group of fans, and ask her what's up.  

"(Y/N), I just wanted you to know that you are so pretty, and you are so lucky to be Liam's sister! You must be so proud of him!" She speaks with her hands. They fly in different directions as she excitedly exclaims this to you.

"More than you know! I love him, and he makes ME proud to be his sister! His friends, too, I'm proud of them as well!" You beam. She smiles back at you and looks past your shoulder at Harry, who is signing autographs and taking pictures. He keeps looking over his shoulder, in your direction, smiling his cheeky smile.  

"Are you two together?" She asks. Her eyes making their way back to you. You aren't sure what to say. You haven't made it official, and this literally all just happened. You stand there in front of her wide eyed searching for an answer.  

"Because I ship you. Others ship you with Niall, but y'all are too close of friends. I think you and Harry are cute." She continues to smile, her excitement growing with each second you can't find an answer. You feel a hand on the small of your back and jump slightly.  

"Hope you don't mind, but I'm going to have to steal (Y/N) away from you." Harry shoots the fan an irresistible smile and she nearly melts.  

"Have a good day," He winks at her and pulls you away.  

"What were you two talking about?" Harry asks as you walk away from the group of fans. You look down at your hands and mess with your fingers. 

"Ermmm... She asked if we were together." You say slowly. He carefully studies you from the corner of his eyes, saying nothing. Why wasn't he saying anything? You begin to worry. 'Does he not want an official relationship? No, no, he told me he wanted me. He said he changed...' You walk along his side, biting your lip. He still says nothing. Ouch. You turn the corner, now walking behind a building, out of sight from the fans. He grabs your hand and meshes his fingers perfectly between yours. He looks down and smiles at you. You forget about the awkward silence you experienced and look back up at him.  

"So where exactly are we going?" You question him.  

"I...." He pauses and looks around. "...I don't know." He shrugs and laughs.  

"Oh great! Let's just get lost in the city!" You join in on his laughter.  

"Well I was thinking we could just walk." He says, slowly taking large steps, looking rather silly.  

"A walk? In these heals?" You look down at your feet and begin to imagine the pain your feet will be experiencing after this 'walk'.  

"Yes. A walk. It's not MY fault your sense in fashion consists of uncomfortable shoes!" He jokes and pokes your arm. 

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