Ch. 1

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 I stared up at the school, not bothering to open the door.

"Go on." mom chuckled, nudging my arm gently.

I guess I should explain myself. Well, my name is Chloe Sanders. My mom and I just moved here to New York after a nasty divorce between my parents. It's a typical "mom wanted to start a new life in a new place" deal.

I ran a hand through my brown hair before nodding and pushing open the door, "Love you."

"Love you too, sweetie. Good luck." she stated before I closed the car door.

I shifted my backpack on my left shoulder as I looked around, seeing other students staring at me with curiousity. I sighed and quickly walked up the the front doors, keeping my eyesn on the ground as I pulled the door open.

I looked around, receiving the same looks as I was outside. I ducked my head and made my way to the office. Pushing open the door, I stepped in quietly as I glanced around the fairly large office, making my way up to the counter.

"How can I help you?"  a woman with frizzy red hair asked, her glasses halfway down her nose.

"I'm new here. Um, Chloe Sanders." I stated, tapping my fingers against the top of the counter.

She nodded slightly before typing something in, the printer making a loud noise as it printed a page. The woman lifted then paper, quickly handing it to me, "Your classes and locker combination." 

"Thanks." I mumble before quickly exiting the office.

I looked around the hallway slowly, my hand holding onto the strap of my backpack. I lifted my schedule up, studying my new classes:

First period; Chemistry

Second period; photography

Third period; calculus


Fourth period; government

Fifth period; anatomy

Sixth period; free period

Seventh period; free period

So, pretty easy classes.

I smiled to myself before turning a corner and running right into someone.


First story .-. 

I hoped you liked it!

Comment pls? ^-^

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