Ch. 7

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"Thanks for coming by again." I smiled at Andrew as I pushed the hospital food away from me, "I told them that you were coming back so you're an exception to the visitor hours."

He chuckled slightly and picked up the Coke a nurse brought him, "It's no problem. Are you feeling any better?"

"Lots. I've got my body heat back." I chuckled.

"Good. When do you get released?"

"Tomorrow some time. I won't be in school."

"They've closed it anyways. They need to clean up the mess Spiderman and the Ice Killer made." he sighed, "Speaking of which, I printed off the pictures you took and I so happened to capture a few more earlier before I came back."

"That's great. How did mine turn out?" I asked, looking over at him.

"Some were blurry, but most of them were really good." he smiled slightly, "Mine are better though."

"Don't be a cocky jerk." I chuckled, rolling my eyes, "But they probably are."

"No, ours are equally good."

"What else do we have to do on this project?"

"We have to describe why we took the pictures of what we did." he told me, picking up a piece of burnt bread, making a face and laying it back down, "Are you hungry? I can run over to a McDonald's and get us something to eat."

I shook my head, "Don't worry about it. I'm fine."

He nodded and sat back in the chair, rubbing his eyes while yawning.

"You can go home if you're tired." I told him, looking up at the tv where the news of what happened today was playing.

"I'm staying here." he stated, sitting up again.

"Why? We're not like, dating or anything." I chuckled slightly, "You barely know me."

"That may be true, but I just feel like I know you from somewhere else." he shrugged slightly, "I don't know. Maybe I'm crazy. Maybe I'm not."

I just blinked at him before shaking my head slightly, a small smile on my face, "You're just too cute." I said quietly, smiling down at the white blankets covering my legs.

He chuckled quietly, scooting closer to my bed, not saying anything else.

Could it be possible to like someone you barely know? Well, yeah.. But is it the smart thing to do? I glanced over at Peter, seeing him watching the news. I smiled slightly. Yeah, I don't care. I like him weather it's been two days or not. It's hard not to like him..
(3 weeks later)

"Ready to go back to school tomorrow?" Peter asked, hanging a picture of my mom and I up on my wall for me.

It took three weeks to repair the damages at the school and in those three weeks, we've became closer than ever. Closer than people should be at three weeks of knowing one another. My feelings have became stronger, also. Have I told him? Ha, nope.

"Don't talk about it." I stated, straightening up all the perfume bottles I had scattered around on my dresser, "Have you gotten all our pictures printed off?"

He turned away from the now hung picture, licked his lips and smiled at me innocently, "I might have gotten a little busy and forgot to.."

I chuckled and leaned back again the dress, "Wanna go print them off now?"

"Let's go." he smiled brightly, grabbing his camera from my bed and quickly pulling me out of the room.

"Peter, slow down." I giggled as I shut the front door after he practically dragged me out of it.

"Sorry. I'm excited to see the rest of our pictures."

I nodded slowly, chuckling as I walked beside him now, "It's a nice day today."

"Don't talk weather. That's so boring." he chuckled, looking down at me and rolling his bright brown eyes.

I smiled and shrugged, biting my bottom lip as I looked down at my feet as we walked.

"You have a pretty smile." he said quietly, looking down at his camera.

"Thanks.." I smiled again, looking over at him.

He nodded and looked around the city, "After we get these printed, maybe we could go get something to eat, or..something.." he mumbled, scratching the back of his neck as he looked down at me once again.

"Is Peter Parker asking me out on a date?" I gasped, ignoring the now bright blush that was on my cheeks.

"Maybe?" he smiled shyly.

I chuckled and nodded, "I would love to."


Chloe over there-->
Or if you're on your phone or ipod or whatever, then find it under the info! I mean, if you really wanna ._.

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