Ch. 8

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"These turned out pretty good." I stated, slowly going through the pictures we had just printed off.

He nodded, taking the ones I already looked at and sighing, "I just think we could get better ones."

"Why? I mean, look at this one. How do you get so close to him?" I asked, holding up a picture of Spiderman swinging through the air, one leg behind him and the other in front of him with his hands in between them, holding on a web.

He shrugged, "I have lots of lens to use."

I nodded slowly and gathered all the pictures together and put them back into the package, turning Peter around and started to unzip his backpack.

"Woah woah, hold on." he said quickly, turning back around, "I'll put them up."

I raised an eyebrow, "You got something to hide in there?"

"No. Just don't like when people get in it."

I nodded slowly and handed him the pictures. He smiled his adorable closed mouth smile, putting the pictures away. I shook my head slightly and clasped my hands together, "So, where do you wanna go to eat?" I asked, noticing him tense up as he looked around.

"Um.. It doesn't matter to me." he stated, looking down at me again.

"Okay. Chinese?"

"Perfect." he smiled, slipping his hands into his pockets and motioning for me to follow him.

"Are you okay?" I asked Peter, setting my fork down beside the unused chopsticks.

The whole time, it's like he's been on the edge; always glancing around, tapping his fingers against the table, his knees bouncing like crazy.

"Yeah. No. There's something off." he muttered quickly, shaking his head as he looked around.

"I'll go pay and then we can leave.." I stated quietly, standing up.

"No, I'll pay." he stated, standing also.

"Just sit there and relax. You're kinda freaking me out." I chuckled quietly, patting his shoulder gently.

He nodded and fell back into his seat, laying his head in his hands. I sighed quietly and made my way up to the front, watching as people walked towards the windows, pointing up towards the sky. I raised an eyebrow before walking up to the counter, smiling at the woman behind the cash register as I pulled out a 20 dollar bill.

I quickly turned around when I heard a loud crash behind me. I studied the person in front of me. Someone hovering on a..glider? His hair was a mess and let's not talk about his teeth.. Everyone started running out the door while I quickly walked back towards Peter, not seeing him there. I raised an eyebrow, a frown forming on my face. Of course he's gone. I shook my head, only to scream loudly when an arm grabbed my waist tightly.

"Calm down, it's just me."

"Peter?" I asked, turning around, only to see the red and blue mask, "Oops. Sorry, you just sound a lot like my friend." I sighed quietly.

"C'mon. Let's get you out where it's safe." he stated, swinging out a window and setting me down before quickly going back into the restaurant. 

I shook my head slightly. Well..okay then. I turned to walk away, only to quickly stop quickly. He sounded like Peter. Actually, he sounded a lot like Peter. Could he be Peter? No.. He couldn't be. Could he?

Oh snap!

Sorry it was short :/ I just really wanted to end it there.

The picture Peter captured right over on the side.

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