Ch. 9

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I woke up the next morning, yawning quietly as I rubbed my eyes, turning onto my side and lifting my phone into my hands. No messages or calls from Peter. I frowned and quickly pulled up my messages, typing one out to him.

Are you okay? You kinda just disappeared..again.

I layed the phone down again, taking it off charge before walking to my bathroom. I looked in the mirror and frowned at my appearance. I sighed, doing everything I needed to before turning my curling iron on and walking back to my phone.

I'm fine. Thanks for checking on me. Need someone to walk with again to school today? :)

I smiled slightly. I'd love one. Can you possibly get Spiderman to walk with me? Oh! Maybe he can swing me to school ;D

After I got home last night, I layed in my bed wide awake, thinking about if Peter could actually be Spiderman. I mean, it's not completely impossible, but it just couldn't be true. I don't think I'm gonna bring any of that up to him anytime soon..

I glanced down at my phone, seeing Peters reply.

I don't think so. I wouldn't want him taking you from me. :(

I chuckled slightly and locked my phone, quickly going into the bathroom to finish, well start getting ready.


"Where do you run off to whenever there's trouble? I mean, you miss some interesting characters." I chuckled slightly, looking over at Peter as we walked down the street.

"I just get out in time. I try to find you, but never can in the crowd of people running." he told me, shrugging his shoulders.

"One of these days, I'm going to get hurt or something and you'll feel really bad for leaving me alone." I told him, nudging him with my shoulder.

"I don't think Spiderman will allow that." he chuckled quietly, looking down with his brown puppy dog looking eyes.

"I would hope not." I sighed, "I need a chance to thank him one day. Ever since I got here, I've gotten into some pretty strange situations and he's saved me all those times. Do you think you could somehow get him to meet me somewhere soon?" I asked, folding my arms across my stomach.

He shrugged slightly, biting his bottom lip, "Um, maybe. I'm not sure. I'll ask."

I nodded and slipped my arm through his, pulling him up to the school, "Let's go get smart."

He raised an eyebrow and chuckled, shaking his head slightly as he let me pull him into the school.


"Peter." I sighed loudly, dragging myself up the bleachers at the football field.

He chuckled slightly, "Chloe."

"I have to ask you something. It's been bothering me since last night and I just need to know the truth."


I knew I said I would bring it up anytime soon, but I've been thinking about it all day.

"Are you Spiderman?"

Just casually xD

I hope you liked this chapter!

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