Ch. 14

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"Okay, just stand in the middle of the room." Peter sighed, backing up to a wall.

I slowly walked to the center of the room, looking over at him and raising an eyebrow.

"Show me what you found out you can do."

I bit my bottom lip and lifted my hand to a different wall, nothing happening. I frowned and tried again, still no purple energy somehow shooting from the palm of my hand, "I don't remember how it happened. It just..happened." I sighed, shaking my head.

"Okay.. Was your hand in any particular position?"

"I was just going to pull my shower curtain back and it happened." I shrugged slightly.

He scratched the top of his head before walking over to me, "Just keep trying, moving your hands different ways."

I nodded and started doing as I was told, gasping when it finally happened. I watched as Peter's eyes widened slightly. I frowned and lowered my hands, "I should have listened to you." I stated quietly, "I'm sorry I didn't."

"Try to do something else." he stated, ignoring my apology.

I frowned again and looked down at my shoes, watching them come off the ground. My eyes widened as I kept rising in the air.

"So, you can fly." he chuckled quietly, "Your face though."

"It shocked me. What kind of place did I go in last night?"

"It's hard to explain." he muttered, shaking his head, "Come on back down."


"How did you get up there?"

"I don't know!" I said quite loudly, looking down at him.

"While you're up there, try some other things."

"Like what?"

"Have you watched any superhero movies? Just try random things. Your strength, lasers from your eyes, try reading my mind, try controlling me or my emotions, move things with your mind."

I nodded and tried to fly over to what looked like some heavy boxes. I smiled at myself for getting the flying thing down that quickly. Now I just need to figure out how to get down.. I concentrated and floating to the bottom, feeling my feet land on the ground gently. I smirked, glancing back at Peter before quickly trying to lift a box, only for it not to budge.

"So, no strength." I called out to him. I looked at a wall, trying anything to make lasers shoot from my eyes, "No lasers either." I faced Peter, concentrating on his mind.

I can't believe this happened to her. The eyes are pretty neat though. She's still as beautiful as ever. Wait, why is she staring at me like that? Are you reading my mind?

I giggled and nodded, "Thanks for the compliment on my eyes."

He just did an awkward closed mouth smile and shrugged.

I sighed and concentrated on controlling his mind or emotions, neither of them working. I frowned and turned to the box I tried to lift, trying to move it with my mind. I shook my head slightly when it didn't move, walking back over to Peter, "So, flying, mind reading, and weird energy from my hands." I stated.

"And purple eyes."

"I don't understand that." I sighed, "I don't like them."

"But I do." he smiled slightly, "I'm sorry for getting mad at you. I just don't like how you didn't listen to me last night and how you hid what you could do from me."

"I texted you as soon as I found out." I frowned, looking up at him.

He ran a hand through my straightened hair, cradling my head in his hands, "I know. I just should have known you were lying to me last night."

I sighed and leaned up, pecking his lips lightly, "Now I'm teaming up with you. Might as well start making me a little costume and coming up with a name for me." I smirked, looking up at him.

"I don't know.."

"Peter, I can help you. These freaks won't know what's coming when I show up. Come on. Please." I frowned, hugging his waist tightly.

He chuckled and kissed my forehead, "Okay. Come home with me and we can start planning your outfit and name."

I smiled brightly and pressed my lips to his again, "Yay!"

He chuckled and kissed me again gently before hold his arm up and swinging us out of the building we were in.

We found out what powers she has and that she will now be teaming up with Spiderman!

Two in one day :D only because I need your help...Comment suggestions for names and costume ideas because I'm clueless :')

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