Ch. 4

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He bit his bottom lip gently, nodding slightly, "Um. Sure. Yeah, okay." he muttered, glancing at me.

"I mean, if that's a problem, we don't have to do it on him. We can do it on like, some neat clubs. Cool sights to go see. I don't really know."

"No, no. Spiderman is fine. It's probably going to be hard for you to get some, though." he said, looking down at me.

I frowned, "You don't think I could get any good pictures of Spiderman?" I asked,crossing my arms. 

"No one really can besides me."

"Cocky much? Look, I'm not one to brag, but I can take some awesome pictures. If you want to work on a different topic, go ahead. I just really want some chances to see him." I sighed, looking down at his camera. 

"We can get started after school." he stated, sitting down in a chair at the table.

I smiled slightly and nodded, pulling a random chair over to my side of the table.

"So, mister big shot camera man," I started, looking over at him as I held his camera in my hands, "Where's the best place to get some good pictures of this amazing Spiderman I've heard so much about?" 

"Wherever there's a crime." he chuckled quietly, "That's the only time he comes out."

"Oh. Then, this is gonna take a while, hm?" I sighed, slowly handing his camera back over to him.

"Possibly. It's hard to tell around here." he stated, looking around the city as we walked through the crowd of people.

I sighed again, looking down at my shoes, stopping suddenly when the ground started shaking, only for it to stop suddenly. I raised an eyebrow and looked over at Peter, "Did you feel that?"

"Feel what?"

"Nothing.." I muttered, shaking my head and quickly catching up to him.

Maybe I'm just tired from my first day at school and I'm imagining things. Or, I could be going crazy. Who knows? Suddenly, the ground started shaking again, causing Peter to quickly stop in his tracks also.

"Did you feel it that time?" I asked sarcastically, crossing my arms and looking over at him.

"Yeah.. I'll be right back.." he muttered, quickly handing me his camera before running down the street.

"Where are you going?!" I called afer him.

Of course, he didn't turn around and answer me. I shook my head slightly and looked around, noticing a large amount of people running the opposite way I was going. I noticed dark clouds forming around in the sky. Quickly picking up my pace, I started jogging down the street, looking around for whatever was going on. I started sliding, causing me to look down and see ice covering the ground. Ice? In the spring time? 

I looked up, seeing a person with snow white colored hair, pale white skin, dressed in all white with some blue here and there in the outfit. Suddenly, a flash of red and blue appeared, landing directly in front of me.

Spiderman has finally made his appearence to Chloe! :D 
Chloe on the side-->

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