Ch. 6

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I slid my boots on, sighing quietly and stepping up to the mirror, studying my outfit; black leggings with a big white hoodie that says 'Follow Your Heart' with a floral looking print and my brown boots. I hair sprayed my curly hair again, smoothing out the top of it where I pulled it back before turning back towards my bed, almost tripping over a box. I really need to put more things away..

I threw my backpack over my shoulder as I picked up Peter's camera. I wonder if I got any good pictures yesterday during that..interesting scene. I put the camera strap around my neck before quickly walking out of my room.

"Need a ride to school?" mom asked, looking over at me from the kitchen.

I shook my head, "I think I'll walk today."

"Be safe. I love you."

"I love you too." I smiled before grabbing an apple and quickly walking out of the house.

I turned the apple in my hand as I looked around the city, watching all the cars driving by. I pulled my phone out of a pocket in my backpack, looking at all the texts I've received since I left my hometown.

"Need someone to walk with?"

I raised an eyebrow and glanced over, seeing Peter smiling down at me, "What happened to you yesterday? Where did you go? I had to get all these pictures of Spiderman by myself and I don't even know if they look good. I probably looked like a freak just casually raising a camera to his face and taking a picture." I ranted, glaring up at him.

He chuckled slightly, "I had to hurry and get home to check on my Aunt. I should have told you."

I sighed loudly, crossing my arms, "I guess it's okay. As long as you take the pictures next time."

He nodded slowly, "I'll see what I can do. After school, we can go get these printed and see what all you captured."

"Sure. Did you see that woman yesterday? Her name was like Killer Ice. What kind of name is that?" I chuckled as we walked closer to the school.

"Yeah, she was weird. I don't even know where half these people come from."

"I kinda wish I had a cool power." I stated, shrugging my shoulders, "Flying would be neat."

He nodded slowly and held his phone out to me, "It would be. Put your number in here so I can let you know what happens to me when I disappear."

"Okay, mister subject change." I mumbled, quickly typing my name and number in his phone as he laughed at me quietly.

"Ready for your second day at our lovely school?"

"I guess so." I sighed, handing his phone back over before pushing the door open.


"Does it feel colder than usual?" I whispered, leaning up towards Peter.

He turned around in his desk, nodding slowly, "It does.. I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be right back." he told me before standing up and asking the teacher to leave the room.

I watched his figure turn out of the door, a sigh escaping my lips. I have a big hoodie on and I'm still cold. I shook my head, jumping when I heard a loud bang out in the hall. I rushed from my seat, rushing towards the door with the rest of the students and looking around at both ends of the hall, seeing Spiderman flying through the air and landing on his back roughly. My eyes widened slightly, watching as he slowly stood and looked back at everyone in the hall.

"Get outside! Now!" he yelled.

I swear I've heard that voice before.. But who did it belong to?

Everyone started running down the opposite hall as Killer Ice, still can't get over that name, floated around the corner. I watched the hallway clear up before running down the hall myself. I was not about to get pushed around by everyone trying to leave. I gasped loudly as pain started to spread across my back, my body becoming suddenly cold. I fell to the ground, closing my eyes tightly as the pain became more intense.

I felt arms wrap around me, causing me to move closer to the source of warmth near me.

"You're going to be okay, Chloe." I heard that familiar voice say.

I opened my eyes, seeing Spiderman swinging through the air while holding onto me tightly with one arm, "How do you know my name?" I whispered, closing my eyes again, "And what happened to the woman?"

"Peter told me it and the police got her now." he sighed.

I nodded slowly, "I'm really cold."

"I know. Just stay awake. You'll be okay soon." he told me.

"Okay." I muttered, feeling him land on the ground.

"I'll let Peter know what happened to you. Just let the nurses take care of you now."

"Okay." I repeated, frowning when his warmth wasn't around me anymore.


I slowly opened my eyes, instantly seeing white. I sighed and looked over, seeing two bouquet of flowers and a couple of 'Get well soon!' balloons. I frowned and sat up more in bed, looking over at the door as it opened, Peter walking in quietly.

"You always disappear when there's trouble." I chuckled quietly, my voice raspy.

"Coincidence." he chuckled quietly, sitting in the chair beside my bed, "How are you feeling?" 

"Warmer than what I was. I didn't know you and Spiderman were all buddy buddy." 

"Kinda." he shrugged, messing with some light pink roses in a vase.

"Who are those from?" I asked, looking over at him.

"Me." he smiled sheepishly, shrugging his shoulders.

I chuckled, "Thank you. They're beautiful." I smiled, closing my eyes.

"Are you tired?"

"Yeah. Surprisingly." I chuckled.

"I'll go and let you sleep. Text me when you wake up and I'll come back. Even if visitor hours are over."

"You don't have to."

"I want to. I'll see you later, Chloe." he whispered, kissing my forehead.

I kept my eyes closed as he walked away, the door closing gently. A blush started to form on my cheeks, a smile creeping its way onto my face. I bit my bottom lip gently before letting sleep take over.

Longer chapter because I didn't know where to end this one ._. 

I hope everyone likes it so far! I'm sorry if it's not the best, but I'm seeing this story going somewhere. Our perfect Peter/Andrew on the side again because I absolutely adore him :)

Once again; sorry about the fight scene not being great. I'm not the best at those.

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