Ch. 19

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I screamed loudly, kicking my legs, "Put me down!"

"Ah, Chloe Sanders. You're the lovely Amaranthine." the familiar voice from last night chuckled slightly.

I frowned and tried to free myself from his grip, "Just leave me alone. I'm not teaming up with you."

"What do you think you're doing right now?" he smirked before flying up in the air quickly.

"Chloe!" I heard Peter scream out.

"Whoever you are, please. You're better then this."

"Don't give me that bull shit. I decided to become like this myself." he stated, crashing into a window at Oscorps.

"What are we doing here?"

"I own this place." he shrugged as he threw me in a glass box.

I raised an eyebrow and hit the glass as hard as I could, nothing happening. I sighed and threw energy at it, only for it to bounch off and disinagrate in the air. I crossed my arms and looked back at him as he was typing something on the computer, that evil smirk still on his face, "What's your real name, then? Since we'll be parterning up, I seem it's fair for me to know your name as you know mine." I stated, sittin down and leaning back. Just keep it calm and casual.

He glanced over at me before pressing down a button, "Harry Osborn." he stated before green smoke started filling the room I was in.

I groaned and slowly opened my eyes, looking around. I was laying on a table, a thin sheet over me. I raised an eyebrow and sat up slowly.

"It's good to see you're finally awake." Harry said, still dressed as the Green Goblin.

"Sure." I sighed, "Can I leave now?"



"We need to plan."


"How to defeat Spiderman." he smirked, walking over to me.

I raised an eyebrow, "Didn't I tell you no?"

"Are you not wondering what that green smoke was? That was to take away all your feelings for Peter Parker.. Spiderman, if you prefer. Whenever you see him, as Spiderman, you'll get the urge to fight him."

I just nodded, "Then that's a pretty good plan. I'm going home now." I stated, standing up and walking towards the door.

I glanced back at him, seeing the same smirk on his face. I shook my head and walked out quickly. I made my way down the familiar road to Peter's house, flying up to his window and pulling it open. I landed on the floor with a quiet thump, calling out Peter's name. Seconds later, he ran into the room.

"Are you okay? What did he do to you? I tried to follow, but he clouded my mind with some kind of fog stuff." he sighed, pulling me into a hug.

I just stood there, not feeling the familiar sparks I usually did, "I'm fine. Um, look.." I mumbled, pulling away from him, "This isn't working out between us."

"What?" he whispered, his face falling.

"I'm sorry, Peter." I whispered also, looking up at him.

"He caused this, didn't he?"

"No.. It's my choice." I lied, grabbing his hands, "Just don't ever come near me when you're Spiderman."

He just stared at me before shaking his head, "Please don't do this."

"I'm sorry." I repeated before quickly jumping out the window.

Oh no :(

Our Harry is play by Dane Dehaan, who also plays Harry in The Amazing Spiderman 2! He's such a cutie, look at him --> :)


Thanks so much for reading :)

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