Ch. 2

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I gasped quietly, stumbling back a few feet, "I am so sorry. I should be watching where I'm going." I said quickly, looking up into the prettiest brown eyes I've seen.

"It's fine." the guy chuckled, shaking his head slightly, "I wasn't really- I should have been the one paying attention."

I smiled slightly and studied the boy in front of me. Brown hair kinda pushed back, bright brown eyes, an adorable smile.. Over all, this guy was cute.

"Um, are you new here?" he asked, raising an eyebrow slightly.

I nodded quickly, "Yeah. I'm Chloe. Sanders. Uh, Chloe Sanders."

"Peter Parker." he smiled, holding out his hand.

I shook it gently, "Nice to meet you and sorry again for running into you. Do you know where any of these rooms are?" I asked, showing him my schedule.

He read over the classes, nodding slowly, "Yeah. Just follow me around all day and you'll be good."

"You have all these classes?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

He nodded, "It's like they took my schedule and gave it to you. Come on, let's get to Chemistry."

I motioned for him to lead the way with my hand. He chuckled and turned the opposite way, causing me to frown slightly and quickly follow behind him.

"Why did you move here, if you don't mind me asking." he said, looking back at me.

I frowned slightly and looked down at my shoes, "Well, um. My dad cheated on my mom and mom has always wanted to live in New York, so here we are. Starting a new life in a big city. Nothing really exciting, but yeah."

"I'm sorry." he frowned, glancing over at me as he stopped in front of a door.

I shook my head, "No, you asked. I wasn't going to not answering you."

He nodded slowly and scratched the back of his head, "Welcome to Chemistry."

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