Ch. 13

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I pulled the seat out, gently sitting down. Now if I only knew how to work half of this fancy equipment. I sighed and clicked on a random icon, watching as a bunch of letters and numbers started to scroll on the screen. I raised an eyebrow and leaned back, biting my bottom lip as I tried to keep up with what was going on on the screen.

"Please make your way over to the examination table." a voice said.

I shrugged and did as told, laying down on the table and sighing. I stared up at the ceiling, calmly tapping the table. I jumped when I felt restrants go over my wrists, legs, and my stomach. I looked around quickly, panic taking over.

"Injection in 5-"



"Peter!" I yelled loudly, hoping he was here.


I looked up at the ceiling, seeing a varity of needles slowly being lowered down towards me.


I closed my eyes tightly. Might as well take this as a man since there's no one here to help me..even though I'm a teenage girl..


I gasped loudly as I felt the needles pierce my skin, the liquid in them being pushed into my body. I let out a quiet breath when they slowly rose back up, disappearing in the ceiling.

"Injection complete."

The restrants went back into the table, causing me to sit up and quickly look down at myself, not seeing where the needles were.

"Chloe, are you in there? Are you okay?" I heard Peter's voice ask, knocking on the door.

"Yeah." I muttered, walking over and turning the handle, seeing if the door was unlocked. I smiled at Peter, well, Spiderman, as it swung open.

"Are you okay?" he asked, quickly taking me into his arms.

"I'm fine. Nothing happened. I listened to you and didn't touch anything." I lied, looking up at his masked face.

He let out a breath and nodded, "Okay. Let's get you home."


I woke up the next morning, sighing as I stood from my bed. I'm just ready to graduate.. I shook my head and walked into the bathroom, stopping at the sink and looking in the mirror, gasping at what I saw; bright purple eyes. Purple?! My eyes are suppose to be brown! I blinked, rubbing my eyes. Nothing changed them back to their normal color. I frowned and ran a hand through my hair. What the hell is going on?

I shook my head and turned towards the shower, raising my hand up to pull the curtain back, only for purple energy shoot from my hand. I gasped and held my hand to my chest. What. The. Hell. I gently grabbed the shower curtain, pulling it back and revealing a smoking black spot on the wall. I blinked and let the curtain close. No school for me..

How do I explain all this to Peter? Should I even tell Peter? I frowned and picked my phone up, typing out a message to him.

Something..strange has happened to me. Do you know a place where we could be completely alone and find out what's going on with me?

I quickly sent it, falling back on my bed and looking up at the ceiling. So, now I have powers. Of course this would happen to me. I rolled over on my side, looking at Peter's reply.


And now he's mad at me. I sighed quietly and quickly got ready, meeting Peter in front of my house. He looked down at me and frowned when he saw my eyes.

"I asked if you touched anything and you told me you didn't. You lied." he muttered, shaking his head, "We promised each other no more secrets."

"I didn't want you to worry." I sighed as we quickly started walking to wherever Peter had in mind.

"I always worry. Now you have purple eyes and God knows what else." he stated, grabbing my hand tightly.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, squeezing his hand.

So she has powers. I don't know exactly what kind yet, just that it involves the color purple and some sort of energy xD

Tell me what you thought! Thanks for reading :)

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