Ch. 11

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It's been about two weeks since I've talked to Peter. Every time I would see him in the hallway, he would quickly walk to other way. Having every single class with him doesn't make anything better, either. I don't have anyone to talk to now because I'm not a huge people person, so I'm not a huge fan of getting to know new people.

I stared at all my books in my locker, not wanting to go to any of my classes today. Who would when they're only friend, and crush, doesn't talk to him anymore? I sighed and leaned my forehead against the shelf, closing my eyes.


I looked over, seeing Peter standing there. I sighed and closed my eyes again, not saying anything.

"Just give me another chance to explain things." he sighed, leaning against the locker beside mine.

I just stood up straight, gathered my books, and closed my locker loudly, walking away from him quickly.

"Chloe, please!"

"You've had two weeks to try again, Peter. Two weeks. What did you do instead of that? You avoided me. You left me alone. I haven't had anyone." I stated, glaring up at him as I stepped close to him.

"Come over after school. Let me fix this." he sighed quietly, looking down at me.

I chuckled slightly, "You really want to fix this now?"

"Of course I do."

"I'll think about it." I mumbled, "Find me after school and I'll let you know what I'm doing."

He smiled slightly and nodded, waving at me before quickly walking away.

I shook my head slightly. Why do I have to give in to people so easily?


I stood at my locker, impatiently tapping my foot while I looked around the hall, my arms crossed. It's been about 10 minutes and still no sign of Peter. I shook my head and pushed myself off the locker, starting down the hallway.

"Chloe! Wait!"

I sighed and turned around, watching as Peter quickly run down the opposite end of the hallway, soon stopping in front of me, "Took you long enough." I stated.

"I was getting the grade on our project." he stated, shoving his hands in his jean pockets.

"What'd we get?"

"100." he smiled, "I used most of your photos."

"No need to suck up. Let's go before I change my mind." I mumbled, pushing him towards the door.

"Wanna swing there?"

"Um. No." I frowned, "Walking sounds better."

"Swinging is so much better and way funner then walking."

"Okay, first- funner isn't even a word. Second, people will see you. And finally, I don't feel like dying today. I'm starting to change my mind, you might wanna hurry and get me to your place." Man, it sounds like I'm offering him sex or something..

"Right. C'mon."


"Hey, aunt May!" Peter yelled as soon as he pushed open the door.

"Hi, sweetie. How was your day?" I heard a woman reply from another room.

"Good. Great. Be down for dinner." he stated before quickly pulling me upstairs.

I sighed and walked into the room he stopped at, hearing the door close once he was in also.


"Save it. Peter, I understand why you didn't tell me and why you think it's best if we stay away from each other, but I can't handle not talking to you everyday." I sighed, turning towards him quickly.

He ran a hand through his hair, "I just don't want someone figuring out I'm Spiderman and that you're associated with me. I don't want you to get hurt."

"And I'm not going to if you keep protecting me like you have been." I mumbled, stepping up to him, "Please don't ignore me anymore."

He bit his bottom lip, "What if you get hurt, Chloe? Just say you do. Or worse. I wouldn't be able to handle that." he whispered.

I sighed and nodded slowly, "Okay. So, this was just a big waste of time." I frowned, "I'll see you around, Peter."

I quickly stepped towards the door, only to stop when something sticky hooked on to my waist. I looked down, seeing a silver string of web. Peter smirked before quickly pulling me in, his lips landing on mine.

Woo! They kissed! Well, he kissed her, but still..they kissed!

Thanks for reading & I hope you enjoyed it! :)

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