Ch. 12

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I pulled away slowly, my hands resting on his chest, my eyes still closed, "Well.." I whispered, chuckling quietly.

"We really shouldn't get involved anymore with each other, but I can't help it. I have to." he sighed, cradling my face in his hands, "I can't stay away from you anymore and I definitely can't hide my feelings."

I smiled and looked up in to his bright brown eyes, "No more secrets?"

"No more."

"So you'll tell me how you got your cool powers?" I giggled, pulling him over to his bed.

He chuckled slightly and laid back on his twin sized bed, sighing, "I guess so. I was in Oscorps, just snooping around, when I came into a room full of spiders on spider webs. I touched one of the webs and everything went down from there. They all fell off and landed on me. I guess one somehow stayed on me and bit me before I could leave. I found it later that night. It was pretty gross." he chuckled, looking up at me.

"So, if I went and snooped around, do you think something cool could happen to me?" I smirked, raising an eyebrow.

"Possibly. I wouldn't if I were you, though." he sighed, "You could get killed too."

"Oh pish posh. I'd be okay." I chuckled, waving my hand in the air.

"Don't risk it." he frowned, "I'm not losing you as soon as I got you."

"Who says you have me?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"I mean, if you wanna-"

I quickly pressed my lips to his, "I'm all yours, bug boy." I smiled.

He smiled back and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me close to him.


Okay, so I'm a bad girlfriend for not listening to Peter..

I looked up at the tall building infront of me, 'Oscorps' shining brightly through the darkness. I mean, I don't want to die or anything. I don't really want powers, either. I jsut want to see what kind of place this is if Peter got everything of a spider and the weird lizard guy he told me about. Like, why is this place still open?

I pushed on the rotating door, watching as it spun slowly. I stepped in, walking around before walking out in the entrance. Well, that was easier than expected. I let out a quiet breath before walking through the room, going to the elevators. I pressed a button, watching the doors slide open quickly. I stepped in as my phone ding, telling me I had a text. I sighed and looked around for the number of floors, not seeing any.

"Which floor?"

I raised an eyebrow and looked up, seeing a screen with a woman on it, "Um.. The one with labs?"

"Floor 24?"

"Sure.." I mumbled, feeling the elevator take off.

I sighed and pulled out my phone, seeing a text from Peter.

I thought I said to not go to Oscorps. Not only is it illegal to sneak in there, but I specifically told you to not go in there.

Maybe Spiderman will have to come stop me, hm? ;)

I locked my phone and walked off of the elevator, looking around slowly. I let out a low, quiet whisper as I took in my surroundings. Wow. Fancy. I sighed quietly and pushed open a random door, seeing bright blue lights shining in the room. I stepped in, closing the door gently. I pulled out my phone as it went off.

Come back to my place. Please, Chloe.

I just locked my phone and put it back in my pocket, looking around the room. Just computers and a random lab table. Nothing interesting. I sighed and tried to open the door, only to find it locked. I raised an eyebrow and tried to turn the handle again, it not budging.

"Okay, door. I need to leave now." I muttered, pulling on the door.

When nothing happened after a couple of more tries, I let out a breath and leaned my back against the door, pulling my phone out.

I, uh, somehow got locked in a room? I need help getting out..

What's in the room? I'm on my way.

Just computers and a random table. Everything's blue.

Don't touch anything.

"Don't touch anything." I said in my best man voice, walking around the room.

If I wanna touch something, I'll touch it. No one can control my life. I chuckled to myself and walked up to a computer.

Sassy ._.

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