Ch. 15

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I dedicate this story to DiamondGirll11 for helping me come up with a name for Chloe! Thank you so much :D

"How about the purple here?" I asked, pointing to the middle of the drawing.

"No, that'll look funny."

"You look funny." I muttered, taking his sketchbook from his lap.

He glared at me and nudged my shoulder gently, shaking his head, "Rude."

"Honest." I giggled, pecking his cheek before looking back down at the drawing, "I like how it's a full body outfit but I don't want a mask where my whole head is covered. I just want my eyes covered." I told him, coloring a purple stripe up the arm of the costume.

He nodded, "I can do that. We need to get you brown contacts."

"True." I sighed, handing him back the drawing, "What about my hair?"

"We can get you some kinda of wig. Maybe something to match the costume?"

"I guess so. How's it looking so far?'

"It's looking good so far." he smiled, "I think you'll look good in it."

"Thanks." I smiled back, "What about a name?"

He bit his bottom lip and look over at me, studying my eyes, "How about like another name for purple?"

"I don't know any other names for purple." I chuckled, laying back on his bed.

"I have a computer. Use Google." he chuckled, laying down beside of me.

I glared at him playfully before jumping up and sitting down in his computer chair. I clicked on the Internet icon, looking back at Peter. He sat up and raised an eyebrow. "Come over here." I pouted.

He chuckled and flung a web at my chair, quickly pulling me back to him. He smiled down at me before pressing his lips to mine softly. I smiled and pulled away, "Or bring me over here. Whatever."

He chuckled quietly and kissed my cheek, "I have a better idea for a costume. I'll draw it out while you look for a name."

I nodded and rolled back over to the desk. I typed in, 'Other names for purple.' I quickly clicked on the first link and leaned back, watching as the website pulled up quickly, "Amethyst?"





"That's more of a pink. No."



"Peter!" I sighed loudly, turning to face him, "You are absolutely no help."

He chuckled and shrugged slightly, "Well, come up with better names and I'll actually be of help."

"So mean." I mumbled, going back to the Google result page and looking for another link. I clicked on the next one, watching all the names pop up, "Wine." I chuckled quietly, shaking my head.


I laughed loudly and through a pencil back at him as he laughed along with me. I let out a quiet breath as I turned back around, my eyes landing on a name, "Amaranthine."

"N- wait. I like that." he stated, looking up at me, "Write that down."

I nodded and quickly did as told, smiling to myself, "This is so weird to me."


"That I have these..powers and I'll be helping Spiderman now."

"If you would have listened to me, you wouldn't."

"Then where would the fun be in that?" I smiled slightly, walking back over to the bed, "If I wouldn't have went in there, I'd be just plain ol' Chloe. Now I'm Chloe with purple eyes and neat powers." I chuckled.

He sighed and shook his head, "And that kind of scares me. Here, what do you think?"

I looked down at the drawing, seeing a black leotard with fishnet tights and a purple jacket on top, with black gloves, knee lenght black boots, and a purple mask going around my eyes. I smiled and nodded, "I really like it."

"Good." he smiled, kissing my temple before standing up, "Alright, let's get started."

Costume, mask, & hair inspiration on the side!

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