Ch. 10

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Peter stared at me, "What?"

"Are you Spiderman? I mean, all the signs add up; you disappear when there's trouble, you sound just like him.. You have to be him."

"I'm not, though." he frowned, shaking his head, "I mean, it'd be cool if I was, but I'm not."

I sighed quietly and sat down beside him, "Right. Of course not. I shouldn't have like, concluded that."

"It's logical." he stated, scooting closer to me.

I looked over at him, noticing how he was staring from my eyes to my lips, causing a smile to slowly form on my lips, "I guess so." I said quietly, turning towards him more, "It would be pretty cool if you were though."

He chuckled and nodded slowly, "It would." he practically whispered as he leaned closer to me.

I felt a blush forming on my cheeks, closing my eyes as I started leaning towards him also.

"Hold on." he sighed, pulling away, "Something's off again."

I raised an eyebrow at him, "What do you mean?"

"Something don't feel right."

"Like, between us?" I frowned, scooting away from him quickly.

"No no no! Of course not." he frowned, shaking his head quickly, "I just..I need to go. I'll text you later, okay?" he smiled slightly, standing up before quickly running down the bleachers.

I frowned and shook my head, suddenly getting an idea. I bit my bottom lip and quickly stood up, following him as he walked towards the school. I made sure to keep my distance, not wanting him to know I was following him. I mean, obviously. That could be bad. I just have to know why he's so secretive and what he's hiding from me.

I quietly closed the door behind me as I entered the school, watching as he turned a hallway. I jogged after him quietly, making sure my Converse didn't make a lot of noise. I watched as he stopped in the middle of the abandoned hallway, causing me to run back to the other side of the wall. I glanced around the corner, watching as Peter looked around the hall slowly before pulling his shirt and jeans off. I gasped when I saw he was wearing the same spandex costume Spiderman wears.

He ran a hand through his hair before pulling on the mask, opening a random door and throwing his book bag and clothes into it. I shook my head slightly and slowly walked away. So he is Spiderman and he didn't tell me when I asked.. I mean, I could understand him not wanting to know his identity, but I thought we were close enough for him to tell me that. I ran a hand through my loose curls, pulling out my phone and going to my messages between Peter and I.

Can you get Spiderman to meet me sometime tonight? Say around 10 in that alley near my apartment?

I'll somehow get him to admit it was him. One way or another, it's going to happen.

I can try.

I pulled my hoodie sleeves over my hands, rocking back on my heels as I stood in the middle of the alley. Peter got Spiderman, or should I say himself, to agree to come here tonight. I may feel bad after this, but I gotta do what I gotta do. I turned around when I heard a soft thud behind me, revealing Spiderman standing there.

"Hey." I smiled slightly, "Thanks for coming. I honestly didn't think you would."

"I couldn't say no when I heard it was the girl I've saved multiple times recently." he chuckled slightly, crossing his arms.

"Can you just wait a second? I need to call someone really quick."

He nodded slightly, motioning for me to use my phone. I smiled at him again before scrolling down to Peter's number, biting my bottom lip before tapping on it, bringing it up to my ear. I looked over at him as I heard the familiar ringtone going off, causing him to freeze, soon face palming and shaking his head.

"I knew it was you." I stated, handing up quickly, "You lied when I asked."

"I have a good reason to. I mean, I don't exactly want people knowing who I am." he replied, shaking his head again, "You have to understand that."

"I do, Pe- Spiderman. I just wish you could just trust me enough. I mean, I had to follow you when you left earlier."

"You followed me?"

'I hated that you were being so secretive with me." I told him, looking down at my shoes, "I'm sorry I did and I'm sorry I found out it was you, but I had to. I don't like when you're all secretive with me."

"I think," he started, running his hands over his head, "That we need to take some space away from each other for a while. I can't risk you getting hurt. Who knows who could be watching or listening to us right now."

"Is it that? Or is it because I found out?" I asked, looking up at him through my eyelashes.

"Don't look at me like that." he whispered, "It's kinda both."

I nodded slowly, chuckling in a sarcastic manner, "Okay. I'll stay away. You can finish the project by yourself. I won't text you and I'll just walk to school alone, I'll sit in class by myself, and I'll eat lunch alone."

"Don't make me feel like the bad guy here, Chloe." he stated, shaking his head as he took a couple steps to me.

I stepped back, "How can you? You're Spiderman." I spat out, shaking my head also.

Wonderful way to find out, hm? Stalking him & junk xD

Tell me what you thought! I'd love to hear from y'all. Tell me what you want to happen in this and I may just somehow add it!

Thank you for reading! I really hope you liked it. :)

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