Ch. 21

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I would like to apologize for my earlier chapters..I would put Andrew instead of Peter. Lol, where they're practically the same person, I got confused. .-.


"Ready to go?" Harry asked, looking over at me.

"I'm not really hungry, Harry." I stated, "Can we go to like, the park? A movie?"

"The park is a good idea. We may see you know who there." he smirked slightly, "Got your costume on under that?"

I nodded and walked over to him, his hand going to my lower back as he led me out of the house. I bit my lip and looked up at him. He glanced down at me and smiled slightly before looking straight ahead again, slipping his sunglasses on. I sat down in the car once he pulled open my door, watching him walk over to the drivers side. I leaned back against the seat, turning the radio station once he started the car.

"You and your music." he chuckled quietly.

I just smiled at him and turned towards the window, watching the buildings blur past us. I bit my bottom lip gently, trying to focus and see if Peter, or Spiderman, was anywhere near us. Once I didn't hear his mind, I relaxed a little. I don't want him seeing me with another guy and I don't want to hurt him.. I tapped my fingers against the door along with the music, quietly singing along.


"Peter, why don't you stop moping around and go out somewhere?" Aunt May asked, knocking on my door.

I sighed and looked out the window, "Maybe later."

"I'm worried about you." she sighed quietly.

"Don't be. I'm fine. I'll go out in a few hours. I'm going to take a nap first." I told her as I began to pull on my mask.

"Okay, sweetie."

I waited till I heard her footsteps fade away before jumping up into the windowsill and jumping, flinging a web towards a random building. Maybe just a swing around the city will help me clear my head. I swung down the streets quickly, finding myself at the park. I landed, getting gasps and smiles from people around me. I nodded and waved at them before slowly walking through the park. I looked around slowly, my eyes landing on two figures. I stepped closer, noticing it was Chloe and.. Harry? Osborn? I haven't seen him since I was little. I watched as Chloe laughed at something he said, her eyes drifting over to me.

I started to raise my hand to wave at her, only to notice a look of hate cross her face. My eyes widened in surprise. Why is she looking  at me like that? Oh wait.. Her warning.. I watched as she said something to Harry, him glancing over at me and smirking before quickly pulling her away. I shook my head slightly and looked around, before raising my hand to shoot a web, only to be knocked down by something hot and painful. I groaned and slowly rolled onto my back, seeing Chloe, or Amaranthine I should say.

"This isn't you." I called up to her, dodging another energy ball, "Don't let him control you. Remember all the good times we had? Focus on that!"

She ignored me, rapidly throwing more purple energy at me. I continuously dodged them, shooting my webs at her. I watched as she fell to the ground, my webs wrapped around her body, her hands pressed tightly at her sides. I ran over to her quickly, kneeling down, "Chloe," I whispered, "This is not you. You are not like him. Rememeber? You're my partner. You can't become the bad guy."

She just stared up at me, her purple eyes remaining the same.

"Please. I miss you." I sighed, touching her cheek gently, "Come back to me."

I watched her eyes close, a small sigh escaping her lips.

"I love you." I stated, her eyes snapping open, "I've been going crazy without you. I need you."

She stared up at me, her eyes slowly filling up with tears, "Peter.."

"Don't listen to him." a voice called out.

I looked over, seeing the Green Goblin hovering near us. I left her side, quickly shooting webs at him, dodging anything he would throw at me. A large crowd was now surrounding us, police sirens getting louder each second.

"Spiderman, get me out of this." I heard Chloe's voice state.

I made my way over to her, studying her eyes before letting her go. I watched her fly up into the air quickly, everyone around us gasping. She looked down at me, her hands glowing a bright purple. I shook my head slightly, only to watch as she attacked the Goblin quickly, him falling to the ground. Police started to get to work, running over to him and arresting him. Well..that was easier than I thought. Chloe landed down beside of me, staring at what was happening.

"I'm so sorry." she whispered.

I looked down at her and smiled, even though she couldn't see, and wrapped my arms around her tighlty.

So, I'm thinking of ending this story here soon. I don't know how or when, but someway and soon ._.

Thanks for reading!


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