December 7, 12:46am

877 56 1

Yoongi peeked over the side of the alley, gasping softly when he saw Hoseok standing there. He was still, like a statue, and he had his scooter right next to him as he stared at the ocean in front of him. Yoongi smirked and slowly made his way over to Hoseok. He moved right in front of him, enjoying the sight of Hoseok's dreamy expression. Half of him wanted to laugh at how Hoseok couldn't see him doing any of this, the other half wanted to swoon over how absolutely charming Hoseok looked up close.

"Seok-ah!" The first half of him urged him to say, and when he did say it, Hoseok nearly fell over in shock. "Y-Yoongi-hyung?!" He gasped for breath, looking around in fear, one hand already making its way back to his scooter, "H-hyung, what're you doing here?! Where even are you?!"

"In front of you," he said, Hoseok instantly standing up straight and facing Yoongi's direction. Yoongi sighed when Hoseok ended up staring right above his head. "Too hi—" Yoongi began, before grumbling and moving up a little so that he was eye-level with Hoseok, "never mind. What're you doing here in the middle of the night, by the way? It's dangerous, you could get attacked by someone."

"Well, I thought everyone was gonna stay at home," Hoseok grunted, walking right through Yoongi and stepping onto the soft sand of the beach, "but apparently a certain ghost just had to stalk me here."

"I wasn't stalking you!" Yoongi argued, "You dragged me here! You've got my vessel, don't you?!" Hoseok raised an eyebrow in surprise. "No?" He shook his head, "I only took my sister's locket, that's it, I swear! I didn't, like, search through Taehyung's stuff and dig out your freaking vessel!"

"Tae took it out before he went to sleep," Yoongi said sternly, "he left it on your sister's desk before falling asleep. Are you sure it's your sister's?" Hoseok nodded and dug through his pockets to look for the locket. "Of course it is!" Hoseok argued as he pulled th item out, "Look! It's my siste..."

Just as Yoongi had said, this wasn't a locket at all. It was a pocketwatch, and it made Hoseok turn red from embarrassment. "So, why did you drag me all the way here?" Yoongi asked with a smirk. Hoseok groaned and shoved the watch back in his pocket. "Shut up," Hoseok told him, "I came here because I wanted to be alone."

Yoongi frowned as Hoseok walked away from him and towards the shore. "Hobi," Yoongi mumbled as he strode forward, "are you alright? Since we got here, you've been seeming a little more, uh, down than usual..."

"O-oh, yeah," Hoseok nodded, "I'm alright. No need to worry about me, I'm fine. Just, um, I sorta wanna be alone for a bit, y'know, take some time to relax back home." Yoongi bit his lip, eyeing the melancholic gaze in Hoseok's eyes. "This has something to do with your family not being around, right?" Yoongi asked, to which Hoseok froze for a second before nodding slowly.

"Can I... tell you a secret, Hyung?" Hoseok mumbled, stopping right in front of the shore and crouching down, pulling his glove off of his right hand and dipping it in the freezing water. Yoongi smiled when a blush reached Hoseok's cheeks and the younger's lips slowly curled up at the rush of water on his fingers.

"I feel more at home when I'm here than with my family," Hoseok muttered, sinking his whole hand under the water, "I don't get to see them that often because of school, and they're overseas pretty often when I get back home. My sister's staying in Hong Kong during the holidays to study extra, and my parents are going there to cheer her on. I can't go, though, we couldn't afford a ticket for me. Anyway, we needed someone to take care of Mickey back at home."

"So that's why they're not home..." Yoongi muttered. "Yup," Hoseok sighed as he stood back up, "I don't get much time to bond with them. But whenever I come to the beach, there're just so many nice things here. On the surface it doesn't seem like much, but when you go inside, you've got fishes, reefs, a bunch of other sea creatures and all. It sort of keeps me company, makes me feel safer than I do with my parents."

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