Chapter 5 - Dad's Home

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I had over to my ringing phone just after I leave the bathroom. Elijah cleaned up for me.
"Hello" I say not looking at the caller ID
"Jade it's Tommy" he says
"T what do you want it's 3 in the morning?" I ask him. T was his nick name, one that I never used. I only use it when I'm not alone
"Turn on your tv" He says and I switch on the tv.
"Please if The Raven is out there we need your help. If you can hear this broadcast then ring the number below" a police officer on the news says.
"It's 3 in the morning what could they possibly want?" I ask turning the tv off.
"I don't know. Are you going to ring them?" Tommy asks
"I don't know" I say
"If you do you better tell me!" Tommy says
"I will. Goodbye T" I say and I hang up.
"Who was that?" Elijah asks when he comes back into the room.
"Just a friend" I say
"The same friend who gave you the tablets?" He asks
"You should go home" I tell him
"I should stay in case you split the stitches again" Elijah says
"Go home Elijah I'll be fine" I tell him
"I'll be back in a couple of hours" he says and he leaves the room. I get dressed into some pyjamas and sit on my bed. I contemplate whether or not to ring the police. I memorised the number, I had a photographic memory. I couldn't ring them here I had nothing to disguise my voice, then I had an idea. I ring the number and wait for someone to answer.
"Hello, New York Police Department" a voice answers
"Hi I know The Raven" I say. There was a pause and then someone else came to the phone
"Hi I'm detective Victor Lawrence. I have had a lot of callers claiming they know The Raven why should I believe you?" He asks
"Believe me don't believe me. She stopped a robbery and a mugging today. She saw your plea for help on the news and contacted me. You just have to trust I know her" I say
"I believe you." The detective says
"What do you want her help with?" I ask
"Human trafficking. A group of school children have gone missing a class of 5-6 years olds. Our leads have run dead and we need her help." He says
"She only works at night. Detective Lawrence she won't meet unless she knows it's safe. Meet her tomorrow at 1:15am on the roof of the dark night casino." I tell them
"Do I have to come alone?" The detective asks
"It would be appreciated but she doesn't think you will comply." I say. The police only do what they want to do.
"Very well." He says
"I'll pass the message onto The Raven she'll see you tomorrow" I say and I hang up.

The next morning I wake up. I change my bandages and get dressed. I had meetings to deal with today so I had to dress smartly. I wear a nude blouse, a pair of black trousers, black heels and I do my hair in a low bun with a braid. It was pouring rain today so I sigh and grab myself some fingerless wool gloves, a scarf and a long coat. I leave my room and run into Elijah.
"This is becoming a habit" I say
"I'm always here in the morning" he says and I walk past him
"I no" I say and we head downstairs. "Dad?" I say surprised to see him
"Jade" he smiles and he gives me a hug. "Mr Edwards" he says and he shakes Elijah's hand.
"I wish I could stick around, catch up but I'm in a rush" I tell him
"I understand that jade but we need to talk now" he says.
"Ok let me call Sarah. I'll meet you in the office" I say and he nods.
"Hi Sarah can you push all my meetings back by one hour" I ask her when she answers he phone
"Jade your first appointment is here already" she says
"Then apologise and push it back" I say and I hang up. Then I head to my dads office.
"Yes Dad?" I ask closing the door
"He's in town" he simply says
"What do you mean he's here?" I say my blood ran cold.
"My people just informed me he's been spotted" my dad tells me and I sit down.
"You said you would sort this Dad so why is he still running around out there?" I ask him
"I'm trying my best jade. He is a clever son of a bitch. You have to watch your back and you have to tell your new body guard what he's up against" My Dad says
"He shouldn't have to be involved know one should be. That includes you" I say
"I'm your father" he says
"Yes and I should never have told you" I say
"I'm glad you did. You tell him or I do it's up to you" he says and I let out a sigh
"Fine I will tell him. Dad please be careful" I tell him
"I will. You be careful too" he says
"I have a bodyguard now remember" I say and I leave his office.
"You ready to go?" I ask Elijah.
"Only if you are" he says
"Do you mind driving me today" I ask him
"Of course not" He says and I hand him the keys. We get to the front door, Elijah opens an umbrella and walks me to the car under the umbrella so I don't get wet.
"Thank you" I say as he holds the back car door open for me. He drives me to work. I watch the rain fall down my window, I actually loved the rain it gave me a calming feeling. I smile looking at the grey clouds.
"Elijah I need to tell you something" I say without looking over at him
"Ok?" he says
"Not here. Could you make a left" I ask and he turns left. "Two rights and then another left" I direct him. "Park the car" I say when he makes the last left.
"What is this place?" He asks as he parks the car.
"A place where we can talk" I say. Elijah walks around the car, puts the umbrella up then I get out of the car.
"Where to now?" He asks
"This way" I say and we walk towards a little park.
"A park?" Elijah says and I smirk. We walk past the park and towards a gazebo.

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