Chapter 26 - Awake

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I couldn't move. why can't I move? I just wanted to move. move damn it.
"Jade stop moving" I hear Elijah's voice. My eye's flicker open, adjusting to the light "you need to stay still" He says stroking the side of my face.
"where am I?" I ask, my voice was rough. I swallow, my throat was dry.
"at Tommy's. I didn't want to move you too much" He tells me
"Here," Tommy says appearing in front of me with a glass of water. I lean towards it and take a sip.
"thanks," I say coughing slightly. I lie back on the sofa and stare up at the ceiling.
"I'm going to go out get some supplies," Tommy says and he quickly leaves
"I thought you were going to die," Elijah says, his voice was quiet and he looked very pale and tired
"have you gotten any sleep?" I ask him my voice sounding semi-normal again. I bring my hand up to his cheek but he moves his head away
"you could have died, Jade" He says seriously
"but I didn't" I say bringing my hand back to my chest
"you were close. I was so scared, I didn't think I was ever going to see you again" He says and I watched a couple tears fall from his eyes
"I'm sorry" I whisper
"how are you still alive Jade?" He asks me wiping away some tears before more fell.
"My instinct to survive kicked in. I wasn't dying without fighting first. I'm stronger then I look" I tell him
"what did they do to you?" He asks and I look away from him, holding back my own tears.
"how long have I been gone?" I ask
"24 hours, you've been unconscious for 5," He tells me and I let out a sigh.
"I was tied to a chair. My hands were cuffed behind my back. Vincent the leader spoke to me. I didn't answer his question so he brought in his men." I tell Elijah, recalling the memories from my mind. "they hit me a lot, laughing and chatting with each other. They injected me with something, it made me feel pain 10 times worse. A simple cut would feel like being skinned alive. The cut me and stabbed me. I just stared at the wall opposite me, I didn't scream or pass out. They were both smoking and they found it fun it burn the cigarettes against my skin, or even burn me with the matches. They shoved metal rods into my thighs and electrocuted me, they also whipped me with a whip that had little spikes on to inflict the most amount of pain possible. They cracked a rib or two from hitting me, some other bones are also sprained. I did have a dislocated shoulder and my thumbs also need to be popped back into place." I tell him.
"and you didn't scream, cry, beg them to stop?" Elijah asks and I shake my head
"I went into my subconscious mind while being awake, it helps me cope with the pain. I felt most of it but it wasn't until I came down from my adrenaline high that I properly felt the full effects of what they did to me" I explain
"but you were in pain from a split lip and a gunshot wound?" He says. I look at him feeling very guilty
"I may have faked it. I didn't want you to question me, it was just easier to pretend it hurt." I tell him and he shakes his head but he was smiling
"how much does it hurt now?" He asks
"this, this hurts a lot. My body aches and is sore and I'm tired." I tell him
"at least now we both know you can handle whatever Lewis will do to you," Elijah says
"I think we both know he will do this and worse," I say and Elijah doesn't say anything. "why hasn't he come after you?" Elijah asks
"I don't know. Lewis is one for a plan so there is a reason why he hasn't come after me yet. He probably wants to find other ways to torture me that aren't physical, hence why he murdered Nicky" I say.
"what are we going to do?" Elijah asks
"there isn't anything we can do. Lewis will do things at his pace and we won't be able to change that" I say
"No, I meant about your state. you can't exactly go home to the folks now can you" Elijah says in a playful tone.
"oh. I don't know. I'll think of something" I say
"isn't your fashion show this weekend?" Elijah also points out
"are you trying to stress me out on purpose?" I ask and he chuckles
"sorry," he says
"It's fine," I say "can you do me a favour," I ask smirking.
"anything," He says
"kiss me," I say begging for it. Elijah asks and leans forward. However, he doesn't quite place his lips against mine and I let out a groan. "Elijah" I grumble
"yes Angel" He smirks, our lips almost touching
"please," I ask batting my eyelashes at him as best as I could with a swollen eye.
"You ditched me and almost died" Elijah
"exactly I almost died," I say and he moves back a little. "Elijah I ditched you because I knew you wouldn't leave my side and I wanted to keep you safe." I tell him
"while you were gone your dad rang. He fired me" Elijah says and my eyes widen

"what? why?" I ask annoyed
"he says if we are a thing then I can't be your bodyguard as well" Elijah explains
"bullshit," I say pissed off
"yeah well I told him to fire me because I couldn't stop my feelings for you." Elijah says "Elijah?" I say shocked
"I'm joking. I was trying to find you when your dad rang. He was trying to find you, I quickly changed the subject and said I was glad he rang because I wanted to speak to him" Elijah explains
"and what happened?" I ask
"we met and I asked him for permission," He said being cryptic.
"Elijah get to the point," I say getting impatient
"Jade will you be my girlfriend?" He asks and I was speechless and surprised "please say something," He says after a couple of minutes of awkward silence
"yes, of course, I'll be your girlfriend," I say smiling and Elijah finally closes the gap between us and kisses me.

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