2 ~ Peculiar Realisations

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"Okay, where am I?" I pondered out loud.

"Macy Collins?" I wizzed around, hair catching in my face to see a woman dressed in a dark purple outfit, with an English accent.

"Yes? Who are you?" I asked, taking a step away from her. She seemed to be in her mid 20's but definitely no older than 30 and had dark hair that was in a strange hairdo. A smile rested upon her pale features, and she stood a few metres away from me.

"My name is Miss Peregrine." Why did that name sound familiar? I looked at her more closely, using my ability to look into her mind. She was thinking of my father?

"Why are you thinking of him?" I whispered, too quiet for her to hear.

"If you follow me, I'll explain everything." She started to walk but turned around once she realised I wasn't following. "Miss Collins, you must trust me." I sighed in defeat, as I walked over to Miss Peregrine and we walked in an awkward silence, coming up to a house that seemed somewhat familiar. Just like her.

"Where are we?" I asked, looking over at her.

"Are you sure that's the right question you want to ask?" I shrugged my shoulders, trying to see into her mind, but she somehow blocked me.

"I've learnt how to keep my thoughts private, Miss Collins, if you don't mind." Miss Peregrine states, looking at me.

"Sorry...but how do you know my father?" She just opened up the door to the house and told me to follow her. I followed her into a dining room, where two cups of tea sat at a table, steam rising from the top. Miss Peregrine sat at the table and gestured for me to do the same, so taking off my bag, I placed it on the ground next to me and sat opposite the strange woman.

"You must have a lot of questions right now, yes?" I nodded. "I assure you I will be able to answer all of them." I looked down at the cup of tea and took a small sip. "You may want to put the tea down first." I looked at her weirdly, but put the cup down and placed my hands on my lap. "You are in September 3rd 1943." Miss Peregrine seemed completely serious, her face not showing any kind of humour.

"How?" I asked. Miss Peregrine had a questioning look on her face.

"I thought your father would've told you?" She asked and I shook my head.

"Told me what?"

"About time-loops and all of that." I shook my head. "Well the children and I live in a loop, the date being September 3rd 1943. I reset the day every twenty four hours and we relive this day over and over again."

"They only taught me how to control my power. And who are the children..." looking around the room, my eyes landed on an old looking picture then it hit me.
My father had the exact same picture that he kept in his office. He told me stories of these people that were like me-peculiar people with peculiar gifts. He told me about Miss Peregrine the Ymbryne and Emma the girl who was as light as a feather. He told me about Olive the girl who could hold fire in the palm of her hand and it couldn't burn her, he told me about Millard the invisible boy, Enoch the boy who could animate the dead, Horace the prophesier, Fiona who could control the flora, Bronwyn and Victor Bruntley who were abnormally strong, Claire who had a sharp-toothed mouth at the back of her head and Hugh who protected and controlled the bees inside of him.

"You're Miss Peregrine?" I asked. The woman smiled and nodded.

"Yes I am." She replied. I shook my head.

"No, I mean- of course you are but you're the Miss Peregrine. The one from my fathers stories." She looked up from her tea and chuckled.

"We aren't stories."

"No offence but I thought you were." Miss Peregrine laughed. "He used to tell me stories of crazy events that all happened in the same day. The story was never the same, but always started with 'it was September 3rd, 1943...' And he would go on to tell me about all these strange things." I explained.

"You're father... I'm sorry for your loss." I looked down.

"How did you know?"

"We may not have spoken for a while, but when I get a letter from Samuel Collins telling me that his daughter may stumble upon the loop and to take care of her, I don't take it lightly. I know him, I know what he was saying." Miss Peregrine explained, she had a hint of sadness in her voice.

"Do you still have the letter?" I asked. She nodded and picked up a piece of neatly folded paper from the bench and handed it to me. I opened it and my stomach dropped upon seeing his hand writing.

"16th March 2017
Dear Alma,
Today is my daughters 15th birthday. She's fifteen, can you believe it?
I have terrible news that she will be visiting Wales somewhat soon. Knowing my daughter, she will want to explore the beach and will most likely come across the cave.
I know we have not spoken for a while, but I ask of you to please look after her. Mac means everything to me, and you'll soon come to realise that it will be like having a second me around.
A note: Her gift can go a bit haywire when she's upset, so talk to her about music. She loves music, or a book she's read. Ask her to describe her favourite flower or colour. She's sensitive. Make sure Enoch doesn't give her a hard time, which I'm sure he'll do, just as he did to me. It wasn't her fault, and make sure Enoch knows that, please.
Thank you for helping me.
With love,
Sam. "

I'm not that sensitive...okay that may be a lie. I folded the paper back up and handed it back to Miss Peregrine.

"Samuel never told me what your peculiarity is, but I could tell that it has something to do with reading ones thoughts, yes?" She asked. (Lol making most of this shit up, but I read some of what I'm about to use in another fan fic so, I'm sorta borrowing their idea, but this is based in a fantasy movie anyway so anything can happen right?)

"I can control things with my mind, objects and people ,if I really wanted to, myself as well. I'm able to see into your mind and others by using my powers to weaken-"

"The mental telepathic barrier. Everyone has one and when you weaken that barrier, you can amplify the thoughts to hear them." Miss Peregrine finished for me. I nodded my head. "That's how your father was able to read people's minds. You've adapted and added to his gift." I nodded again.

"I...I have a question."


"Well actually two, but the first one is how do you know my father?"

"I think that's for another time, it's a lot to explain." I shook that comment off.

"Do you know how my dad died?" I asked. Miss Peregrine shook her head. I sighed. "No one will tell me. They still think I'm a kid, but I'm fairly sure that I could handle it. They only told me minor details." I crossed my arms.

"Maybe your mothers just looking out for you." The Ymbryne suggested, I could tell that there was a hint of sadness in her voice. I shrugged my shoulders, just as the sound of a door was being opened. Four people entered the dining room but stopped abruptly upon seeing me.

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