19 ~ Endings

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"So when are you gonna talk to the new girl." I sat down next to Horace who was sitting under a tree. He was watching Scarlett converse with Olive and Enoch and they were laughing.

"Never. I'm too shy." I rolled my eyes and pulled him up by the arm, dragging him over to where the three were sitting. When we got close enough I sat down and pulled Horace with me.

"Hi Scarlett, I'm Macy and this is my friend Horace. Where have you come from?" I asked politely.

"I came from a loop that was created in 2015 Calofornia." She replied. I fist pumped the air.

"Yes! Another Millennial child!" He eyes went wide.

"Where are you from?" She asked.

"England 2017." She smiled. I stood up and pulled olive and Enoch up with me. I think you should tell Horace what it was like, ya know living in the future and all. He's into that stuff okay bye!" We ran away and I smiled, seeing Horace start talking to Scarlett.


Horace and Scarlett had been talking nonstop since I basically forced him to speak to her. I sat with William underneath a tree watching them talk and laugh and that made me smile because Horace was talking to his crush and Fiona didn't have to worry about Hugh being jealous about her. I leaned my head on William's shoulder and we held hands.

"Guys lunch time!" Dad called out. I opened up my eyes and William pulled me off the ground and we walked back to the house hand in hand. We got our lunch which consisted of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with our choice of fruit and juice, and we all sat outside talking and laughing.

"So Scarlett what's your peculiarity?" Olive asked.

"I can teleport myself." Everyone gasped.

"That's so cool!" Claire exclaimed. I chuckled at her enthusiasm and continued to nibble on my apple. Scarlett looked down and blushed. We all started to talk about random subjects until lunch was finished, then we all went our separate ways.


I walked through the loop and back through the beach until I came to my house. It had been taped off with the yellow police tape, but I just walked around and underneath it. I walked through the house, seeing everything still broken and then I came to the study. There was a massive blood patch in the middle of the small room. It looked like no one had even tried to clean it up. I sighed and walked around it, going to my laptop and opening it up. I connected to the wifi and went into google search for what happened.
Google search -> Bethany Mason -> 08/04/17
I clicked on the first thing and it was a YouTube video.

"Thanks Brad, I'm here at 225 Fawn Lane after an anonymous caller called paramedics to the house of ,the deceased, Samuel Collins.
Today Single mother Bethany Mason was found in her ex-husbands house bleeding to death a day after the funeral of her ex husband, Samuel Collins. Paramedics weren't able to revive the woman and her daughter 15 year old Macy Collins has turned up missing. We urge everyone who has information on the whereabouts of this teenager to come forward. Back to you Brad." I started to cry. She didn't make it. She wasn't alive. I was crying and crying, I didn't even realise someone had come up behind me and wrapped their arms around my shoulders. Will.

"It's okay, shh it's gonna be fine." He repeated over and over again, as I turned around and cried into his shirt.

"I didn't even get to tell her I loved her." I cried. He pulled his jacked sleeve down and wiped my cheeks, kissed my head and closed my laptop. He sat me down in a chair and told me to wait there while he packed a few things of mine then he walked me out of the house and we walked back down through the beach and into the loop. The bright light aggravated my eyes when we arrived back in 1943 and Will and I walked hand in hand back to the house.

"I just had to see...maybe you were wrong." I whispered. Will nodded understandingly and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. We walked through the house and up into my room, where he passed me the bag full of my stuff. It was mostly things like books and pictures and there were things like clothes as well.

"Do you wanna talk?" He asked. I took a deep breath and smiled, shaking my head.

"No, I'll be fine, don't worry." He laughed.

"When you say don't worry, it makes me worry." I chuckled and wrapped my arms around his waist, while he wrapped his arms around my shoulders. Will kissed the top of my head and we walked down the stairs and into the living room where everyone was there conversing and talking, laughing. I looked around smiling to myself, thinking that this was the best family in the world. I looked over to dad who was sitting with Miss Peregrine and he looked at me as William and I as we sat down next to Bronwyn and Mill. I smiled at him and he smiled at me.

"I love it here." I thought. His grin grew wider.

"I love it here as well."

"Let's never leave." He looked down at the woman who was smiling at her family.

"I'm never leaving again."

I looked around and smiled. Yeah, I never leaving either.

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