17 ~ With A Little Magic, Happiness Can Be Found

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Miss peregrine kept her hands in her pockets as we walked through the grounds. I lead her over to the entrance of the woods. We stopped walking and I leaned against the closest tree, slipping my hands into my jean pockets.

"Where did you go?" Miss Peregrine asked, tears forming in her eyes.

"Everything was...back to the way it was. Everyone was happy. I was told to protect you when he couldn't. I did my job."

"Who are you talking about Macy? Who's 'he'?"

"I thought about leaving for good...but that didn't sound very polite of me. I asked to borrow Jakes map because he's been keeping track of all the loops." I ignored Miss Peregrine's question and continued. She'd see who I meant. "So I went to Cardiff where I found a loop disguised as a phone booth. It sent me to 2009 where I took several ferries and bus trips to get to Glasgow."

"What was in Glasgow 2009, Macy. Please." Miss Peregrine pleaded, taking my hands in hers.

"Me. I was in Glasgow 2009." The mans voice called out from behind us. The ymbryne turned around just as My father emerged from the trees.

"She told me everything." He said. I turned back to Miss Peregrine.

"Now before you do anything rash please just listen to him. Then decide what happens." She nodded and took a few steps towards the man whom she hadn't seen in sixteen years.

"Alma...She wasn't my soulmate." He paused to take a second and look at Her heartbroken expressions. Did I do the right thing bringing him here? Or would it just cause her more unneeded heartbreaking her life. "She lied. Before she met me her real soulmate died. Her peculiarity was to see soulmates and create them. And through a false bond, she told me that we were soulmates. I found out a year before I got a divorce. That was three years ago."

"Why didn't you come back?" Miss Peregrine demanded. Dad sighed.

"I thought you would never forgive me." That sorta broke my heart. He took a few more steps forward until they were inches apart. I started to smile, so I had to try and cover my mouth with my hands. Miss Peregrine shocked me by slapping him right across the face. I laughed and covered my mouth. Dad turned to me.

"Mac, you're on my side." He whined.

"I'm with Miss P. What you did was a dick move. Someone's gotta admit it." I replied, leaning against the tree again. Miss Peregrine smiled at me and I gave a curt nod.

"I will always forgive you...if you had've come back and told me everything." Dad pulled the ymbryne into a hug and I could hear her quietly sobbing.

"Alma I love you." I heard dad admit. That's when I thought I should leave. They needed their own space and I had to go and tell everyone that I wasn't dead.


Macy left, telling her dad through his peculiarity that's he was going back to the house. He nodded to her and mouthed a 'thank you'. She smiled and hummed in reply, shoving her hands into her pockets and walking away.

"Samuel what you did was very rude." Miss Peregrine pulled away from the hug and looked at Sam sternly.


"But I'm prepared to forgive you on one condition."


"Never ever leave again." Sam smiled and nodded his head, gently kissing her on her forehead.

"I promise it'll never happen again."


I walked back into the house, happy with my accomplishment and found Will sitting on the couch reading one of Horace's books.

"Having fun?" I asked, plopping down next to him. He looked up and smiled at me, flashing a toothy grin.

"No, but I was wondering if you wanted to talk about anything, I know that it can be scary almost dying and all, and then bringing your dad from a different timeline here for Miss Peregrine." I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "Come on, let's go for a walk." William pulled me up from the couch and I linked arms with him, as we walked out of the house and walked around the garden.

"Did I do the right thing?" I asked.

"I don't understand."

"Did I do the right thing by bringing my dad back here? I have no idea how Enoch's going to act and if Miss P will-"

"Macy you need to stop worrying. Please." Will turned to look at me and he entwined our fingers together and walked hand and hand through Fiona's garden. "Besides, if it doesn't work out then you and your father dearest can come and live with me." We laughed and I shook my head.

"You're right. I don't need to worry. It should all work out. I'm sure Enoch will act rationally, right?" We walked around for a little longer then walked back into the house to hear shouting.

"Miss Peregrine how do we know he's not one of Barron's wights!?" I heard Enoch scream. Will and I ran into the living room to see everyone scattered around the room with Olive, Bronwyn and Claire pushed behind Enoch.

"What's going on?" I asked. Emma hugged me.

"Oh Macy you're back! You're fathers here." She looked at my concerned expression.

"Yeah I know, I bought him here- Enoch it's okay this is where I went last night." He looked over at me and frowned.

"So you weren't leaving?" I shook my head.

"How do we know we can trust him? After all we've been through?" I smiled.

"Miss Peregrine look in your left coat pocket." She looked at me weirdly, but opened up her pocket at pulled out the necklace I'd found in dads journal. Dad looked from Miss P to the necklace to me.

"That's- how did you get that? I left it at the house."

"Macy what's this?" The ymbrine asked me.

"Ask dad." We all looked at him.

"That day I left the loop I was going back home to get this for you. I'd left it there and I was gonna give it to you for your birthday, but...you know...stuff happened."

"Macy how did you even know where to find him?" Enoch asked me.

"My parents got divorced in 2006. By the end of 2008 ,when I was six, it was decided that I would have minimal contact with my father. By the end of 2009, I had hardly any contact with him. Dad kept me up to date with his life over once-a-month letters and told me if he was moving. If he was moving he'd give me the address in case anything happened."

"I gave her my map of all the loops, since I've been keeping up with the new ones and stuff. She went through different loops to try and find him Enoch, I think we should give him a chance." Jake stepped in. I smiled and internally thanked him.

"So your saying that you'd sacrifice your own childhood happiness for Miss Peregrine to have Samuel back?" Enoch asked. Everyone looked at me, Bronwyn and Claire pleaded me with their puppy dog eyes for dad to stay, except I'd already made up my mind.

"It's not up to me, but I'd want you to stay dad." I stated, looking at the peculiar. He smiled.

"I'd love to stay." He looked down at Miss Peregrine, who tried to hide her smile.

"He can stay." We all cheered and Will hugged me from behind, kissing the top of my head.

"I'm happy for you." He whispered in my ear.

"I'm vary happy." I replied. I'm very very happy.

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