11 ~ Warning

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We got home late, around 9pm and my mum went to bed straight away. It was now two days until we left, and I had to go back and tell everyone what was going on. They deserved not to be lied to or kept out of the loop. No pun intended. I packed my bag with some spare clothes and another book in case Horace had finished the first one, slipped on my black converse and not bothering to get changed, I left the house and sneakily snuck through the loop. Emma stood at the front door waiting for me, I guess she knew I was coming, and smiled. I gave a tired smile back and she placed a hand on my shoulder as we walked into the house.

"How was it?" She asked, being wary of her words. I shrugged as we walked into the living room where everyone was playing different board games. Enoch looked...glared...rolled his eyes at my presence when he looked up from his cards that he was using with Olive, Claire and Hugh. They were playing some form of go fish I guess.

"Emotionally draining." I replied plopping down on the couch and placing my bag next to me in the floor. Emma sat next to me and Horace walked over to me and handed my book back, smiling.

"It was a very good read, different and very well written. Have you got anything else?" He asked. I nodded and shifted through my bag, handing him a copy of 'the book thief' by Markus Zusak. It was one of the first novels that I completed, before then it was mostly just reading to half way and getting bored of it straight away. Horace thanked me and sat down in his seat next to Fiona and started to read it. Miss Peregrine and Bronwyn entered the living room and they both smiled at me. Bronwyn ran over to me, gave me a hug and sat next to Emma making small talk with her. Miss Peregrine gestured for me to follow her and we walked outside and over to a wooden seat, sitting in a comfortable silence for a few minutes.

"He's here isn't he?" She asked, breaking the silence between us.


"He showed up at the funeral didn't he?"


"Are we safe."

"For now. But no one leaves the loop."

"Macy, that isn't your decision to make."

"But if he spots you then you're toast."

"What about you?"

"I'll be fine as long as I don't lead him to the loop." I replied. Miss Peregrine turned to look at me.

"What if you get caught?"

"I'm not giving this place up. No matter what." She draped an arm around my shoulders. "But who says he'll catch me? I'm pretty sneaky." The ymbryne laughed sadly.

"I have two days to figure this out."

"What happens in two days?" I looked down at my hands.

"I leave." There was silence.

"I didn't know you were leaving so soon."

"I'm sorry, I should've told you." I apologised. Miss Peregrine shook her head.

"No it's fine. Come on, today's been a long day for you and I'm not allowing you to walk back at this time of the night. You can sleep here again." I smiled.

"No complaints from me." We walked back inside and I sat with Emma for a bit, before we all had to head off to bed. I walked Fiona and Bronwyn to their rooms, after giving Bronwyn a hug and thanking Fiona for the sunflower earlier today I retired to my temporary room and got dressed for bed. There was a soft knock on the door and Emma walked into the room with olive right behind her.

"Do you want to talk?" I shook my head and she smiled sadly.

"Just give us the word and we can talk for as long as you want." Olive added.

"Thanks girls." I smiled and we wished each other a good night before they left my temporary room.


After waking up and getting dressed into a dark green dress and black boots I walked down the stairs and sat with the others at the table

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After waking up and getting dressed into a dark green dress and black boots I walked down the stairs and sat with the others at the table. Olive and Enoch were the last ones to arrive, with her looking smug and him looking pissed. Olive came and sat in her usual spot and smiled at me.

"You don't have to worry about mr grumpy anymore."

"May I ask why?" I asked, a smile making its way onto my face.

"I had a talk with him. If he bothers you tell me, please." She said and I nodded. We all started to eat our scrambled eggs and bacon and after that I helped clean up. Emma, Jake and I all walked outside and played tag with Bronwyn, Hugh, Claire and Fiona for a while before Emma looked at her watch.

"Macy can you help me with something?" I nodded my head and walked with Emma over to a tree, where Jake followed after us with a large rope. He handed it to me and told us he had to go into town with Enoch to get some supplies. I turned back to Emma with a questioning look, but she just stuck her hand out and a baby squirrel fell into it. I gasped.

"This happens every day?"

"Yes. I need you to tie the rope around my waist please, and make it tight." I did as she said and she slowly started to unbuckle her shoes. "Hold on tight." I nodded as she undid the last buckles and started to quickly ascend into the air and I gripped the rope. She placed the squirrel back into its nest, giving me a thumbs up and I started to pull her down. When she got back down in the ground, she buckled her boots up but didn't undo the rope around her waist.

"I wanna show you something." We walked in silence to a brick wall that had vines all over it and she tied the end of the rope to the ground. She looked at her watch and once more unbuckled her boots and floated up, resting her arms on the top of the bricks.

"C'mon you'll miss it!" She whispered to me. I sighed and closed my eyes, relaxing my body before I felt my feet leave the ground. I opened my eyes and concentrated on getting to the top. When I did, I hung on to the top of the bricks and we watched Miss Peregrine walk out onto the field next to the cliff with a crossbow and wait. She probably waited about five minutes, until some rustling alarmed her. She waited a few seconds before firing an arrow and it hit something invisible. I gasped and Miss Peregrine smiled, turned around and walked away. I floated down to the ground and grabbed a hold of the rope Emma was tied to and pulled her down as well.

"That was weird." I mumbled, feeling a wave of coldness run through my body as Emma and I walked over to Jake. His eyes widened and pointed to my nose where I felt something warm trickle down. I touched below my nose and bought my hand up to see blood. Emma handed me a tissue and I pressed it to my face grumbling in response.

"Macy are you alright?" Miss Peregrine's voice called out, as she walked over to the three of us. She didn't have her crossbow with her and I nodded.

"Yeah, if I levitate myself for too long then this happens." I replied gesturing to my nose bleed. "It should go away soon, and the good thing is that I've been working on it so I'm able to go a little bit longer."

"You shouldn't push yourself too hard, okay?" She smiled and I nodded, replying with a simple 'okay'.

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