16 ~ Trial And Error

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Macy grabbed her bag and quietly snuck down the stairs. After all the action and the drama that went on the day before, she knew exactly what everyone wanted - especially Enoch even though she basically saved him and everyone else from Caul. If Macy hadn't stepped in when she did, Miss Peregrine would be dead and then the children within a matter of a few hours. Still, Macy crept over to her shoes that sat next to the door and slipped them on, quietly opened the door and closed it behind her as she was sucked into the cold night. She sighed and started to walk, but stopped upon hearing the door open.

"Leaving so soon?" Enoch's raspy voice called out. She turned around and nodded her head. Enoch pulled his dressing gown closer to him and sighed.

"Olive's been trying to get me to understand that I'm pushing you away. That I'm the reason you don't want to stay, even though your friend is here."

"This is better for everyone. I'm gonna do you all a favour." Macy looked down at the ground.

"You don't have to go- I'm sorry that I was rude to you."

"I know, don't worry. I understand and to be perfectly honest, I would've done the same thing as well, because I know you care about Miss Peregrine and what my dad was a really terrible thing. But I'm gonna make it right I promise."

"But you don't have to go, I'm sorry."

"Enoch please trust me." Macy pleaded, pulling her jumper closer to her. Enoch sighed and nodded.

"Fine...just be safe okay?"

"Will do." Macy gave a curt nod, turned on her heel and left with her map in hand but hidden from Enoch's gaze, as he watched her walk away. He sighed and closed the door, leaning against it and bowed his head.

"What am I going to tell them?" He asked himself out loud. A dark figure appeared at the top of the stairs.

"Enoch what are you doing up?" Miss Peregrine's voice was quiet so that she wouldn't wake the other children up.

"Oh nothing. I was just getting a drink of water." Enoch walked back up the stairs and into his room. Miss Peregrine walked down the stairs and studied the door. Her hand brushed the door knob and found it to be warm- someone's hand was resting on it. She sighed and locked the door upon seeing it unlocked and walked back up the stairs into her own room to get a good nights sleep.


Macy sighed and ran an angry hand through her hair. The sun was shining down in central Glasgow and people walked past her on the sidewalk. She grumbled and slapped her face gently and laughed annoyed seeing the map upside down.

"Ugh okay...so okay it's right here." She paused to put the map in her pocket before walking up the stairs of the small apartment and knocking on the door. The man opened up the door and Macy's heart dropped down to her stomach.


"You made her leave! I hate you Enoch!" Claire screamed and ran out of the house with Bronwyn hot on her tracks. Enoch sat in the living room on the couch with Olive sitting next to him and Miss Peregrine sitting across from him on the other couch, a frown resting firmly on her pale features.

"You just let her go!?" She asked in a strict voice that was close to a yell. Enoch's bowed head nodded and Miss Peregrine stood up. "That's what you were doing last night?" She growled. "You should've told me Enoch! For all we know she could be dead!" The Ymbryne added placing her hands on her hips. Jake and Emma stood in the doorway, Horace, Hugh and Fiona planted next to them. Adam and William sat silently next to each other on the couches, watching the banter in front of them. Will knew what was going in and smiled to himself, happy with what was about to happen.

"So Macy isn't coming back?" Fiona asked, a pout planted on her lips. Miss Peregrine turned around and placed a soft hand on Fiona's shoulder.

"I'm not sure Fiona."

"She could be dead for all we know." Emma sniffled, tears coming to her eyes. Miss Peregrine shook her head.

"We must not think about that children." Deep down inside, Miss Peregrine was heart broken. Though Samuel didn't stay, she thought she'd be able to have Macy stay because then at least a small hole in her heart would've been filled.

Claire stopped by a tree and let all her tears flow. She'd told Bronwyn that she wanted time by herself, so the strong young girl walked over to her favourite tree, pulled her knees up to her chest and started to sob as well. She really wanted Macy to stay- it was like having an older sibling again. Claire walked back over to Bronwyn after 20 minutes of non-stop crying but bumped into someone. She looked up, expecting it to be Emma or Enoch or Miss Peregrine but her face lit up once she saw Macy. Happy tears shed and made their way down her cheeks as she squealed in delight. Macy smiled and lifted the small girl off the ground and into a tight hug.

"Mavis I thought you left!" Claire cried. Macy hugged her tight and shook her head.

"I'd never leave you guys." Macy mumbled into Clair's blonde curls. She placed the girl back down onto the ground and looked down at her with a smile on her face.

"Claire do you know where Miss Peregrine is? I need to talk with her." Claire nodded and took the peculiars hand in hers and lead her into the house.

"Miss Peregrine! Miss Peregrine! Look who I found!" Claire exclaimed as the two entered the living room, to only see two people in there. Miss Peregrine sat opposite Enoch on the couches, her hands against her temples and even though Macy couldn't see her face, she knew that there was a frown resting on her pale features. Both heads snapped up and two sets of eyes were now on the teenage girl.

"Macy?" Miss Peregrine asked. She smiled and waved.

"Hi." Was all she said. Miss Peregrine got up, ran over to the girl and engulfed her in a tight embrace.

"I thought the worst." Miss Peregrine was close to tears.

"I'm sorry. I should've told you, but then it would've ruined the surprise." Miss Peregrine pulled away from the hug and looked at the girl strangely. "Perhaps we should take a walk, I'd like to explain myself." Macy offered. Miss Peregrine nodded her head and Macy sent Enoch a friendly smile and Claire a wink. The little girl giggled and skipped out the door to go and tell Bronwyn.

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