4 ~ Conflict

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"Mum! You won't believe who I met!" I exclaimed, as I entered the house that my father used to live in. My mum was sat at the island in the kitchen, a cup of coffee in front of her while she typed furiously on her keyboard.

"Macy, sweetie I'm just a tad bit busy." She replied, not taking her eyes from her laptop screen. Stupid work.

"I-I met Miss Peregrine." I stated more hesitant than I intended. Mum looked up from her laptop. Well at least I had her attention I guess.

"Honey, Miss Peregrine isn't real."

"Wha- yes she is. I saw her and I spoke to her and I had really nice tea with her!" I cried, waving my hands around.

"Don't raise your voice with me, young lady." Mum scolded me. I groaned.

"I even met the children! I'm pretty sure Enoch hates me and I have no idea why, but that's beside the point!"

"Macy, there is no Miss Peregrine, there are no children and nobody by the name of 'Enoch'. I don't even know where this came from!"

"Why would I be lying?" I asked, folding my arms over my chest.

"Your father made those people up and made them into stories when you refused to sleep."

"They have to be real if my powers are real." The room fell silent.

"I don't feel like fighting at the moment, Macy. I have some very real and very important paperwork to do for work." I rolled my eyes, grabbed some juice from the fridge and left the room, heading up the stairs and into the spare bedroom where I was temporarily staying. I slammed the door shut and let out an irritated sigh.

"Why won't she believe me?" An idea popped into my head, it was a bad idea and kind of rude, but if mother dearest wouldn't take me seriously then I had to find proof. I quietly snuck out of the room and down the hall where my dads office/small library room was.
I opened up the door and closed it behind me, looking around the room. I started at the bookshelf, searching for any books that sounded familiar or seemed to be out of place. There seemed to be two books swapped around, I grabbed them both and continued to look around, finding his desk to be the next best place. I put the books down on the chair and sifted through all his papers, it took a while but I finally found something.
I picked up an opened letter that had been addressed to dad, but he must've put it back in the envelope. I checked the person who sent it and saw it was Miss Peregrine. I put it with the books and continued to shift through all his stuff. I ended up finding his journal and a picture of the peculiars- I could show this to mum and she'd have to believe me!

 I ended up finding his journal and a picture of the peculiars- I could show this to mum and she'd have to believe me!

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I took the stuff back into my room, but before I could read through everything my phone started to ring.
I shoved everything under the duvet and checked the caller ID. It was my therapist Doctor Steven Daniels, so I picked up and said a simple 'hello'.

"Hey Macy, I was just checking in to see how you were." He'd been my therapist since I was ten, when things had started to go downhill. Mum would no longer let me see dad and I was broken, I had no idea what to do so she booked me a therapist to talk about my 'issues' though it wasn't me who needed talking to.

"I've been fine, why?" I asked.

"Your mother doesn't seem to think so. You wanna talk about anything?"

"When did she call you?" I asked, avoiding his question.

"About ten minutes ago. She said that you were upset about something." He replied.

"No, I was just being a little dramatic." There was silence.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, nothing to worry about, I promise."

"Okay, when you get back first thing I want you to do is arrange a day so we can meet up. Got it?" I replied with a curt 'sure' and hung up. I shoved the stuff from under my duvet into my bag along with a spare pair of clothes, but before I could do anything there was a scratching at my door. I looked over to see a bird, but not just any bird. It was a Peregrine. I walked over to the window and opened it up, the bird looked at me as I read her mind.
'Are you okay? Horace had a vision that you were angry so I came to check on you.' I shook my head.

"Change of plans, I'll be over for dinner tonight."

'Will you be staying the night?' I nodded. Miss Peregrine said she'd see me back in the loop and I said goodbye, closing the window and changing my clothes to something a little more civilised. I changed into a dark blue dress with a brown belt and white converse, grabbed my coat and my bag and walked down the stairs with my phone in hand.

 I changed into a dark blue dress with a brown belt and white converse, grabbed my coat and my bag and walked down the stairs with my phone in hand

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"You called my therapist!?" I cried. Mum looked up from her laptop and sighed.

"I thought you may want to talk to him about what's been going on."

"What's been going on is that you're not listening to me!" Things in the house started to rattle. Mum looked at me.


"Calm down! Yeah I know what you're gonna say! I could see it from a mile away. Listen, you may not believe me, but weather you like it or not, I'm leaving to be around people who actually listen to me." I walked out of the house and ran down the path, despite mums cries for me to come back. I ignored her, continuing on my race to get to the portal. I stopped running once I got to the beach and sat down in the soft and warm sand. I opened up the letter and found that there were more than one, so I slowly began to read the first one.
Where have you gone? Why haven't you come to say hello? It's been almost a week. The children miss you, I miss you. Where did you go? You know you can always tell me. I'll always listen. Please come back.
Always with love,
Wow that was sad. Where did he go? I looked at the date on the back of the envelope. July, 2001. That was the month my parents met. Oh no, I have a bad feeling about this. I pulled out the second letter and started to read it, noticing that it was a draft copy. Miss Peregrine must have the original good copy.
I'm very sorry to tell you this, but I've gone to England. I met a woman who said she was my soulmate. She said she had the peculiarity to see ones soulmate and I'm it. I read her mind and she was telling the truth. I'm so very sorry I didn't come to say goodbye, I hope you find your soulmate soon.
With love,
I stared blankly at the piece of paper.

"He ditched her for another person and didn't even say bye? That's just not right." I mumbled. I took out the last letter and braced myself for what was about to come.
How dare you! You don't know what I've had to say to the children to make them not hate you, though I'm afraid Enoch already does, since he got ahold of one of my letters. He's convinced you'll come back to seek forgiveness and when you do he'll kill you. I just wish you could've come to say goodbye. If you've found your soulmate then who am I to come between you two. I wish you the best life, and I hope you will be able to visit some day.
I'm prepared to still be friends if you are.
Kind regards,
A. Peregrine."

The way she signed off on the last letter told me she wasn't completely fine. I stuffed the letters back into my bag, got up and took a deep breath. I picked up my bag and slowly headed over to the cave where the loop was. Even as I passed through the loop, the feeling of time stopping, turning back then proceeding, I couldn't stop thinking about how my dad and mum were supposedly 'soulmates'. If they were soulmates, then shouldn't they've been together forever? That's why I had the feeling that they weren't.

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