7 ~ I Think I'm Gonna Be Sad For A While

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I walked into my temporary room to see Emma sitting in my bed. In her hands were a pile of old photographs. When she saw me, she smiled and patted the spot next to her. I walked over to her and sat in the bed, crossing my legs as she handed me the pictures.

"Hand me the ones you think you recognise someone in." She whispered. I slowly flipped through the photographs, making sure to take every detail of the people in. A few people I'm sure I recognised so I handed them to Emma. The last photo in the pile was of Miss Peregrine and two men standing next to her.

"There. That one." I pointed to the taller man standing next to the Ymbryne. Emma gasped.

"That's Jack Bentham but people call him 'Caul'. He's Miss Peregrine's older brother."

"Why do they have different last names?"

"When a ymbryne finishes their education they change their last name to match which bird they can take form in. Since she could turn into a peregrine falcon, she changed it to that bird name." I nodded.

"Is he bad? Jack Bentham?" I asked. Emma nodded.

"He and Myron ,their brother, started off the experiments on ymbryne's to try and make themselves immortal."

"He could've killed my father?" I asked.

"Yes, and if he's still in the area then he may try and kill you and your mother."

"But that's only if he recognises us right?"

"Correct." I sighed. I think all my sanity had gone. This was just getting crazy and not to mention the fact that the head mistress of this place and my father had a relationship. Weird.

"Can I ask you something personal?" Emma quarried. I shrugged my shoulders.


"Can I ask why your father left? No one will tell me. I know Enoch knows, because he got a hold of one of Miss Peregrine's letters to Sam but she won't say why he left. Is it bad?" I sighed and rummaged through my bag until I found the letters. I handed it to Emma and she quickly read through them. When she got to the end of the last letter she placed a hand over her mouth.

"Oh no." She whispered. "No that can't be right. Sam didn't find his 'soulmate' please Mavis tell me it isn't true." I shook my head.

"I don't think they were really soulmates. Dad never talked about mum the way he talked about Miss Peregrine when he told me stories." I explained. She smiled.

"He talked about her?"

"All of you."

"Did he make me sound mean?"

"No...just a little heartbroken because of Abe." I replied. She nodded and looked down.

"In this picture, it has two kids sitting in the front...I haven't seen them." I told Emma, holding up the picture of all of them.

"They had to go to a different loop. The twins found their older sister and she could help them with their peculiarity. The twins could turn anyone to stone with just one look and that's why they wore masks." She explained.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"No, it's okay because they write to us all the time." She smiled.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked and Emma nodded.

"Why are you so nice to me? Why are all of you so nice to me... Well excluding Enoch because he doesn't like me."

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