5 ~ Explanations, Finally!

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As I walked through the large front yard of the home, I saw Bronwyn and she saw me. Her and Claire were out the front having a tea party and they instantly stopped what they were doing and ran over to me. I picked Bronwyn up and spun her around, as Claire clung to my side.

"Macy you're back!" Claire exclaimed.

"I'm staying for dinner too." I replied they both squealed and I placed Bronwyn back down on the ground.

"Back so soon?" I heard Emma say behind me. I turned around and gave her a small hug and said hi to Jake. The two girls went back to playing their tea party game, so I could talk with Emma and Jake.

"My mother wouldn't believe me. I started to get a bit upset so I thought I'd come and cool off here." I explained.

"Well it's good you did because tonight is pizza night. Everyone gets to make their own pizza and somehow Hugh always ends up the messiest. I laughed at that and Jake stepped in.

"Wait, you told your mom?" I nodded.

"Yeah, I thought she would believe me because dad was the one to tell me about this place and everyone, but she denied the fact that you guys were real. She said that he made you guys up and made up the stories for when I wouldn't go to sleep when I was younger...then she called my therapist."

"You too, huh?" I looked at Jake. "I mean except for the fact that your therapist won't turn out to be a bad guy who wanted to kidnap Miss Peregrine and use her for an experiment that could turn said bad guy immortal." I stayed silent. Emma nudged Jake in the stomach and smiled lightly at me.

"Well I'm glad you could make it, but sorry you mothers being hard on you." I returned the smile and Emma walked over to me. "Come with me. I'm assuming you're staying the night?" I nodded. "Great. I'll show you to a spare room." At least Emma didn't hate me like Enoch did..
As soon as we entered the house, Hugh and Milland ran and said hi to me, not stopping but saying that Fiona was chasing them. They ran past me, just as she ran up to me and gave me a hug.

"Yay Macy is back!" She squealed and continued to chase Hugh and Millard. Emma and I laughed, as she showed me up the stairs and to a room. She closed the door behind her and sat in the bed next to me.

"Is there anything you want to talk about?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"I guess."

"I won't tell anyone, unless you say it's okay. I promise. What is said between us, stays between us." I smiled and nodded.

"I just...I wish I knew who killed my father." I sighed.

"What makes you think it was murder?" She asked.

"They said they found him with no eyes." I replied. Emma just looked at me, shock covering her face.

"Emma, what is it?" She stood up and pulled me with her, her heavy lead boots making it easy to hear her coming.

"C'mon we have to tell Miss Peregrine!" She sounded stressed. She raced down the stairs with me hot on her heels and found the Ymbryne sitting in the living room reading a book. She looked up and smiled at me, but upon seeing mine and Emma's worried expressions it soon faded.

"What's the matter?" She placed her book on the couch and stood up.

"Tell her!" Emma pushed me forward and I looked at her with concern written in my face.

"Uh, I was talking with Emma and I said that they found my father without his eyes." I recalled the conversation from less than a minute ago. A frown found its way onto the Ymbryne's pale features and she shook her head.

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