18 ~ The New Peculiar

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It had been a week since my dad and I had decided to stay with Miss Peregrine and the children. Everything was going great, I had my dad back, Enoch didn't hate me and had no problem with dad and I was in a relationship. Adam had allowed William to stay with us, which meant I got to spend more time with him.

"Macy come play with us!" Bronwyn yelled, coming into my room. I placed the book down on the bed, marking my page and smiled, lifting her up and giving her a piggyback ride down the stairs and outside, where everyone was enjoying the sun.

"What're we gonna play?" I quizzed.

"You, me, Claire, Olive and Emma are gonna have a tea party." Placing her down gently on the ground with the rest of the girls, I turned to look around.

"What about Fiona?" They looked around.

"No one can find her." Emma replied. I closed my eyes and listened for her thoughts. What if she's prettier than me? What if Hugh likes her more and wants to play with her more than me?

"Found her. I'll be back." I said, running to the beach which wasn't too far from the house. I'd memorised the route through going past it for our daily walks. I walked over to a set of rocks, where Fiona was perched on top with her hugging her legs close to her chest and her head was pressed against her knees.

"Fi are you okay?" I asked. Her head snapped up to meet my concerned gaze.

"No. I'm not. There's a new peculiar coming and what if she's prettier than me and what if Hugh likes her and wants to play with her more than me?" I sat down next to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"When is the new peculiar coming?" I asked.


"Well you'll have to make your move fast to claim Hugh." I replied. She looked at me like I was insane. "We're having a tea party and you're invited. Bring Hugh to draw you two closer together and remind him how much he means to you." She nodded excitedly and we walked back to the house, discussing ways to tell Hugh that she liked him. When we got back, I told Fiona to go and meet me in the garden when she'd found Hugh and I went in my on journey to find Will. He was in the parlour reading 'Huckleberry Finn.' I plucked the book from him and grabbed his hands, pulling him up off the couch.

"Macy, where're we going?"

"A tea party and you're my plus one." He groaned and I laughed. "Before you say anything, yes you do have to do this for me and no there is no exit clause." He laughed, as we held hands and walked into the garden to see Emma with Jake, Millard and Claire, Bronwyn and Horace, Enoch and Olive and Fiona with Hugh all sitting in a circle surrounding a small table that had food and drinks. Everyone was laughing and talking, Will and I sat down next to Horace and Claire.

"We all heard about the new girl coming and that Fiona's sceptical about it." Horace whispered to me, trying not to disturb the positive energy around us. I nodded.

"We have to create a way for Hugh and Fiona to become a thing before anything happens."

"How do we do that?" I thought for a second.

"Let's play truth or dare!" Emma bet me to it. Since she and Jake were next to Horace and Claire, she must've overhead us talking. "Hugh why don't you go first."

"O-Okay... Um dare." Emma groaned. Why does no one choose truth! I laughed.

"Okay... I dare you to tell us the truth about how you feel about going into a relationship. Like, if someone were to ask you out would you say yes?" Hugh thought for a second.

"It depends on the girl really. If I like her then yes." I smiled at that. I looked at Fiona. "When this party is over, tell him how you feel!" She shook her head. "At least consider it." She nodded and I gave her a warm smile.

"Macy truth or dare?" Hugh asked.

"I hate dares... So truth please." He smirked.

"Have you and William kissed yet?" I looked at Will who leaned back on his hands and shrugged.

"Yes." There were squeals and laughter from everyone. "It's not that big a deal guys. Jake truth or dare?"

"Dare." I smirked.

"Okay... I dare you to let Bronwyn and Claire dress you up and put makeup on you." His eyes widened, but before anything could happen, Miss Peregrine and dad walked over to us.

"Children there's been a slight change of plans. The new peculiar is coming over today." I looked over to Fiona who looked down at her hands.

"Do you know what time she will be arriving?" I asked.

"She should be here soon, so could you all go and clean yourselves up please?" We all got up and went to our rooms to get changed. I changed into a maroon skirt and white button down shirt with my white converse, I tucked my shirt into my skirt and placed a black belt over the top. I left my short hair down in its natural waves and walked out of my room. I knocked on Wills door and Horace opened it up. Him and will were sharing a room, much to his joy.

"Will's coming now."

"Thanks Horace."

"Oh um, here's your book. I forgot to give it back to you after you recovered." He handed my copy of 'the book thief' back to me and I thanked him.

"Anytime you want a book to read just ask." He replied with a simple 'okay' and Will came out wearing black jeans, black converse and a nice white button down shirt. We held hands, as we defended down the staircase and waited at the bottom with the others. A knock came from the door and Miss Peregrine opened it up to reveal a girl just a bit older than me with red hair, wearing a nice cream coloured dress and white flats. I looked at Hugh who looked at her like she was just another girl. Horace on the other hand was (by the looks of things) in love.

"Children, this is Scarlett Evans. Scarlett this is Hugh, Horace and Fiona, Olive, Enoch and Claire, Emma, Bronwyn and Millard. Our newest additions are Jake, Macy and her father Samuel and William." We all said our hellos and I smiled at Horace who had not taken his eyes off Scarlett since she entered our beloved house.

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