10 ~ Time To Say Goodbye

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I'm imagining 'Riverside' by Agnes Obel for the funeral, and I don't know who you guys imagine and Caul/Jack Bentham but to me I imagine it's Daniel Gillies, probs because of him playing Elijah off The originals/Vamp diaries, but for this Caul/Jack is portrayed by Daniel Gillies.

Mum and I were the first ones to arrive at the small church. I had on a black dress with black flats. The strands of my short, light brown hair closest to my face were pinned to the back of my hair and I wore no makeup except for mascara and lip balm. My black dress came up to just below my knees and was of soft material.

I remember wearing it to my grandmas funeral a year or two ago and was sort of surprised it still fitted

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I remember wearing it to my grandmas funeral a year or two ago and was sort of surprised it still fitted.
Slowly and in small groups, people from our family and close friends started to show up. Several of them came over to me first and hugs were shared. Mum draped an arm around my shoulders; things between us had gotten a little better, but I made sure not to bring up the peculiars because that would defiantly set her off.

"Macy, my you've grown." My Aunt Serena studied my features. "And you're a pretty one too!" I had no idea what she meant by that...

The funeral started and a lot of tears were shed as we all entered the church. Since I was an only kid and his only child, after my mother I had to get up and speak. I was nervous and upset which wasn't so good for my peculiarity, but I've managed to keep it under control this far. Don't loose focus. Only a little longer. I forced the tears back as I found myself walking to the front of the church, standing behind my fathers coffin.

"M-My father was a brave man," I started, looking down at the small piece of paper I had in my trembling hands. "He was kind and caring, he never doubted anything I said and was incredibly optimistic. When I was young I remember him telling me that 'happiness can be found in even the darkest of time, if one remembers to turn on the light'. I thought he was a genius for saying that. I then realised several weeks later that he had quoted Dumbledore from Harry Potter." There was a chorus of laughter. "But maybe that's what he wants for all of us now. Even though he's...he's gone, dad still wants us to be happy. We shouldn't mourn his death but celebrate his life- his achievements and the things in life he loved." I stopped to take a shaky breath and let a few tears fall. I looked down at his coffin and continued. "Dad, I love you and I always will. Even if you're not here to see me graduate or to teach me how to drive or anything like that. I'll always love you, no mater what anyone says about you." As I finished and walked back to my seat the room was filled with soft claps.


I leaned against the cement wall for support, as I held my cup of juice in my left hand and the picture of him and baby me in the other. Mum called me over and I walked to her after placing my empty cup in the rubbish. We all walked behind the coffin as it was lead to the graveyard, and as the priest said 'ashes to ashes, dust to dust' we all placed a flower on his coffin. They were all white roses, except for mine. I was the last and everyone smiled lightly as I placed a blooming sunflower on his coffin- his favourite flower. Thanks Fiona. I had found it outside my window with a letter from Fiona, but delivered by Miss Peregrine. We all know it's Sam's funeral. He told me once, he loved sunflowers so I though you could give this to him from all of us.
Fiona xx
She was adorable. As the coffin was lowered into the ground, I couldn't help but look away.

"You don't have to watch anymore if you don't want to." Mum whispered to me. I nodded and wiped away tears, sniffling.

"Bye dad." I whispered, before turning around and walking back to the church, where I grabbed my black cardigan and threw it over my shoulders. I used the sleeve to wipe my eyes.

"I'm sorry for your loss, Miss Collins." A familiar voice called behind me, which sent chills down my spine. I turned around to face Caul Bentham and had to hide my shock and fear behind a fake small smile.

"Thanks mister Bentham." I replied. He held out his hand and I took it, shaking his cold palm. My heart was beating rapidly.

"It's nice to see you after so many years." His voice was creepy and it freaked me out. Can you leave now? Please?

"Thank you for coming. I'm sure my father would've appreciated this." I nodded my head.

"Yes such a shame. How did he pass?" He asked, a smirk playing its way onto his lips.

"Car accident." I lied, gritting my teeth.

"Tell me, do you know of anyone whom he may have stayed with before he met your mother?" Caul asked, placing his hands behind his back.

"No sir. Why do you ask?"

"Because he had something of mine I'd like back and I haven't been able to find it." She isn't an object that can be possessed.

"My apologies for that, but my father was a private man. He kept his past in the past." I was on the verge of growling.

"Jack what are you doing here?" Mum asked, a shocked look on her face. He put on a fake smile before turning around and giving my mother a small hug.

"Oh I'm just paying my respects to my old friend. I'm sorry I arrived late, you know how busy work can be and all." How about devouring the eyes of innocent peculiars.

"Thank you so much Jack."

"I told you, call me Caul. All my friends do." You have friends? He turned back to me with a smirk on his face.

"I'll be seeing you soon." He and my mother left to go and talk and I sighed, wiping my eyes again, as fresh tears found their way down my cheeks. Now that Caul was here, things were bound to go downhill. The thing that I couldn't do was go and see the peculiars as he might follow me, but I should wait. If he shows up again, then I leave without him seeing me and boom! Tell everyone what happened. Ugh sounds easier said than done.

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