9 ~ The Confusion And The Panic

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I sighed, walking back across the beach, letting the sand squish between my bare feet. I held onto my shoes and socks and laughed, feeling the cold waves crash against my legs. As I walked back up the path, I chucked my socks and shoes back on and listened to the trees swaying in the breeze.

"Macy where have you been!?" Mum screeched as I walked into the house. She was still in her pyjamas and her hair was a mess, with small bags under her eyes.

"I told you. I was with the peculiars."

"Macy, I told you that the peculiars aren't real!"

"Then why did dad name me after one!" I yelled. The room fell silent. "If she's not real then why is my middle name the way it is?" I cried. I pulled out the picture of all the peculiars that my dad had and held it in front of me. "If they're not real then how do I have this picture? Hm? Right yeah sorry, I'm just imagining this." I slammed the photo onto the island and stormed up the stairs, into my room. I placed my bag down in the ground and grumbled irritated. This was so lame! Why didn't she believe me? I had bulletproof evidence and not to mention she was a peculiar as well, so shouldn't she believe me? I sat down at my desk and pulled out the things from dads office that I took with me through the loop. I looked through all the letters and the journal. I flipped through the books and there was nothing new. The question that was getting to me was who is Caul? I mean sure I know that he's miss Peregrine's brother and all, but why was he significant? I don't understand why he and my dad had a falling out. I looked back at the letter he wrote to me.
"Tell her I died protecting her and the children. I won't let him get to them. Tell her I made this promise the night the dinner party ended."
I looked up from the paper and started to think about the night we went to the dinner party. Surely I could ask mum what happened, but then I'd have to tell her everything and I didn't really want to do that. I'd probably make her more upset then it would cause a fight and some stuff may get broken...
I decided that if have to do more snooping and quick, because after the funeral tomorrow, we'd be out of here in less than two days. So I had three more days to get this shit sorted out. I had to find Caul and find out what was going on between the two of them.

I won't let him get to them
I won't let him get to them
I won't let him get to them

I woke up with a gasp and a sudden realisation.

"I won't let him get to them- he's going after them!" I exclaimed in a whisper. They weren't safe- I wasn't safe. I had to warn Miss Peregrine and tell her everything. I got up and changed into dark green jeans, my black Doc Martians and my black long sleeved sweater that had holes in the shoulders. Fashion of the 21st century everyone!
I slipped the letter into my back pocket behind my phone and I grabbed my keys to the house, a grey scarf, a torch and quietly snuck down the stairs. I quickly opened and closed the door and started to run down the path and onto the beach. I shone the torch on my watch and saw it was about 5:45 am. I ran through the cave and felt the sensation of time turning back, which always gave me the chills even if I was passing back through to get back to my time. I came out into the open, crisp air that was September 3rd and started to walk fast to the children's home. When I arrived I noticed a few lights on and as I approached the door it opened slowly to reveal Miss Peregrine.

"Macy what are you doing here?" She asked, her voice raspy.

"Is anyone else up?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Good. I can't stay for long but we need to talk." Miss Peregrine moved aside and she lead me into the living room where she resumed her seat and placed her closed book on her lap.

"Macy, what's wrong?" The Ymbryne asked upon looking at my worried expression.

"Caul...Or Jack. Your brother." She looked at me with a frown on her face.

"What does my brother have to do with this?" She asked standing up. I sighed and ran a hand through my light brown hair.

"I know him. Well I really only met him a few times but that's beside the point. I'm almost positive that he's the one that killed my father." She looked shocked. Before Miss P said anything, I handed her the letter my dad wrote to me. She took it from me and read it.

"'Tell her I died protecting her and the children. I won't let him get to them. Tell her I made this promise the night the dinner party ended.' What does he mean?" She asked. I sat on the arm of the couch.

"Jack Bentham and dad were friends. They'd been friends for a while, but when he invited us to his dinner party with a bunch of other peculiars something went down between the two. I wasn't very old but I remember the fighting then we went home." I explained.

"What makes you think that he killed Samuel?" Miss Peregrine asked, folding her arms.

"I know that him and your other brother were the ones to start conducting the experiments on Ymbrynes."

"How do you know that?" I didn't want to get Emma in trouble.

"There were a bunch of papers on it in my fathers study. I think he was reading up on it or something." I lied smoothly. "What if he asked my dad to do something and he didn't want to do it?" I asked.

"Like what?" She asked. I looked at the peculiar with a 'seriously' look on my face. She gasped and covered her mouth. "Jack wants me?"

"It makes sense because if dad refused to lead him to you then maybe he acted out in anger and..." I stopped, swallowing a lump in my throat. "He promised your safety even if it meant putting himself in danger."

"Have you told your mother about this?" Miss Peregrine asked. I shook my head.

"She won't believe me no matter how hard I try." I replied checking my watch which was working. It was just a little past 6, I knew the sun would be out in a matter of minutes and everyone would be getting up soon.

"I need to go, there's a lot to do today and I only came to warn you that Caul may still be around. Be careful." I got up and Miss P handed the letter back to me.

"I think I should be telling you to be careful, Macy. If you see him you need to steer clear of him. Jack is made of anger and rage, if he did what you're saying, then he won't hesitate to hurt you or your mother." She explained, a hint of fear in her eyes.

"Has he ever hurt you?" I asked. She nodded her head and I placed a comforting hand on her arm for a second, before opening up the door and walking outside. "I don't think it would be appropriate to tell anyone about this. Not until I'm sure, but I'll tell you if anything happens." She nodded, a small smile resting on her lips and I walked away, just as the sun started to peak out. Once I got through the loop I started to jog back to the house. I unlocked the back door and slowly crept back into my room. When I got there, it was about half past 6 so I decided to go for a shower.

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