8 ~ Hi Victor, Nice To... Meet You?

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This chapter will be reasonably quick because it's just going through the whole day up until Macy leaves for her own time.

Emma woke me up by shaking my shoulders and smiling down at me. She told me that she got to my room before Fiona and Mill could wake up. I smiled and she left my room, telling me to get dressed.
I got changed into the spare clothes that I had packed; a nice dark blue button down shirt tucked into a black skirt that came up to my knees and placed a belt over the top. I threw on my shoes and a grey scarf I'd packed in my bag and walked out of the room making sure that all my stuff was packed neatly in my bag which wasn't that much only my clothes from yesterday, my pyjamas, my dads stuff which was sandwiched in the middle of the clothes, my phone and a book I'd bought along.
I skipped down the stairs and saw Emma waiting at the bottom for me. She smiled and wished me a good morning. I hummed in reply as I tied my hair in a half up half down style and we walked together into the dining room where everybody was talking. I sat in between Olive and Bronwyn and they both smiled at me, wishing me a good morning. I smiled as we all tucked into our food which consisted of bacon, eggs and toast with juice.
When we were all finished with breakfast, I helped Emma, Olive, Jake and Enoch clean up. When that was done I walked outside to see Jake, Emma and Bronwyn sitting on the grass talking. I sat down next to Emma and joined in on the conversation.

"Macy, do you have a favourite flower?" Bronwyn asked me.

"I quite like carnations." I replied. Emma smiled.

"I said the same thing."

"So are we ready to go and see Victor?" I nodded.

"Sure." We walked into the house, up the stairs and stood in front of a door at the end of the hall. Bronwyn took a deep breath before opening up the door and walking in. We all followed in per suit and I looked around the room, before landing my eyes upon Victor. See through curtain thingies were draped over his bed, but even through them I could see the boy as pale as a cloud. He was tucked in neatly and Bronwyn moved the drapes out of the way and sat down on the edge of his bed. She grabbed Victors hand and didn't even flinch at the coldness of his hands. She turned to look back at me and gestured for me to come forward.

"Victor this is Macy. Macy meet my big brother Victor."

"Hi Victor. Nice to...meet you?" I whispered, sitting in the other side of the bed. I studied Victors features, he looked a lot like Bronwyn. I felt sorry for Bronwyn- no sibling should have to go through this especially not everyday. Bronwyn giggled at my words. We heard Miss Peregrine call out our names and much to Bronwyn's displeasure we all walked down the stairs to see the other children standing with the Ymbryne.

"It's time for our daily walk." We all smiled and walked out of the house and through their usual route. We talked about random things, I was catching Jake up with what's been going on in the world after he left.

"Oh yeah by the way America is now being run by Donald Trump." He looked at me shocked.

"Why him?" Jake asked I shrugged.

"I dunno it's your country. I'm just from England." I replied innocently.


After our walk the peculiars and I had some free time before lunch then it was time for me to go. I walked up the stairs and I to my room, where I saw Enoch looking out the window.

"Leaving so soon?" He turned around to face me.

"I should probably go and check on my mother."

"Yes- leave just like your father did." Enoch spat, throwing me my bag. I caught it with ease and glared at him.

"Okay I get that you don't like me, but what my father did was nothing to do with me!" I yelled.

"You're the product of what happened though." He growled. "Do you even know what happened?"

"I do as a matter of fact." Enoch rolled his eyes. "Miss Peregrine told me what happened. From her point of view and I also found some stuff that my dad left behind explaining his point of view, so I can get a pretty good view in what happened."

"Miss P would never tell you what happened."

"And why is that?" I asked, slinging my bag over my shoulder.

"Because you are the cause for all of this. Have you seen the look in her eye when she's around you? She's worse than sad. That's why I don't think you should come back." I was more than hurt so I turned on my heel and walked out the door, slowly descending down the stairs to see Miss Peregrine standing by the open door.

"Don't let Enoch get to you." Miss Peregrine hugged me. "Please come back soon." I looked into her sad eyes.

"Only if that's okay with you. I don't want to upset you with my being here." I replied.

"If I didn't want you to be here Macy, then I would've guided you back to the loop when you first got here." She stated. I nodded my head and Olive walked over to me, saying she'd take me back to the loop. Olive and I walked through the garden and I spotted Horace reading his book that he'd read over a hundred times. I asked Olive to wait for a bit while I talked with Horace and she smiled saying it was cool with her.

"Reading up on the history of the 1900's again are we?" I smiled, placing my hands behind my back. Horace looked up at me and smiled.

"Macy, are you leaving?" He asked. I nodded and grabbed the book from him.

"Hey- I was reading that." I handed the book to Olive who was now standing next to me and rummaged through my bag.

"This books pretty good. I don't know if you'll like it but it's something different. Try it and tell me what you think of it when I come back." I handed him a copy of J.R.R Tolkens 'the hobbit'. Horace smiled at me.

"Thank you Macy." I shrugged.

"No problem. See ya later Horace." I walked with Olive back to the loop and she gave me a hug.

"Don't listen to Enoch, please. He's like this all the time." Olive tried to cover for the boy. "He doesn't mean the stuff he says I promise."

"Olive it's okay. I know what my dad did. I get that it was very wrong of him and Enoch's just trying to find a way of coping with me being here." I sighed.

"He won't be like this forever, I promise." I smiled with Olive.

"Thanks Olive." I said goodbye to the girl and left through the cave, flinching at the bright sunlight that hit my eyes.

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