1• Her Shining Blue Eyes

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Gables POV:

I see her and it's hard not to stare, she's so petite and cute. I thought when I moved from NXT to SmackDown Live I could forget about her, but my luck she came on the same day I did. I stare at the picture of all of us from that day. The only picture I have of her

I stare at her Striking Blue Eyes.
Her Bleached Blonde Hair.
And her smile, oh my god her smile.

"Gable! Are you even listening?!" Jason snaps in my face.

"What were you saying" I look up to meet the stink face he's giving me.

"What are you even looking at!?" He asks snatching my phone out of my hands.

"Gable you gotta get over her dude!" He yells. "She's in your head all the time now a Days." He says poking my head.

"Sorry... its just..." I start.

"It's just it's never gonna happen." He snarls back.

I look down at my feet trying not to listen.

"Dude, I'm sorry but you need to focus on this match. We need to beat the USO's." He says in a very non-sincere voice

"Your right man." I say still thinking about her.

Alexa's POV:

How could he, he knows I have a match and he just walks out here whenever he wants.

"Babe, calm down, it was just a match." He shrugs it off.

"No, No it wasn't just a match. I was this close to a title shot!" I scream holding up my two fingers a inch apart.

"Babe you'll get another one." He says.

"Just leave me alone!" I scream and slam open the door to my locker room.

Sometimes I just wanna ring his neck, but my thinking is cut off.

"Oh my god, Nia!" I scream jumping into his arms.

"Alexia!" She screams catching me.

"What are you doing here!" I say jumping down.

"I'm getting my debut on SmackDown tonight." She says with such excitement

"WE GET TO TRAVEL TOGETHER!" I begin jumping up and down. She grabs me hugging me tight. I just saw her two weeks ago and it feels like forever.

Nia is my best friend. I tell her absolutely everything, especially when Dolph gets on my nerves. He puts a whole nother meaning to Show-Off.

"So how are you and Dolph?" She says kinda like she knew I was blissed off.

"He just cost me a title opportunity because he wanted to come out to the Arena mid-fight. I was so close to winning an opportunity and he didn't even care!" I begin to scream feeling the anger that he's caused me.

"Alexa, just breathe, your Alexa Bliss! You will always have title opportunities." She says reassuring me. "And remind me why you date that guy again." She chuckles.

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