16•You Dont Have to Lie to Me

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Gables POV:

"Someone HELP!" She screams. I think she remembers AJ.

"He's not gonna hurt you anymore." I say pulling her claws from the sheet she buried herself under. "Alexa. He can't hurt you. I'm gonna protect you." I lightly pull the covers away from her face and hold her cheeks in my palms.

Alexa's POV:

"Gable wake up! GABLE!" I scream as he closes his eyes. "Please wake up!" I force my lips onto his. "Please." I whisper.

"Gable." I whisper. He looks at me confused. "Oh Gable. I'm so sorry." I feel tears in my eyes as all of our memories come flooding back.

This kiss, the fights, the time he was drunk and told me he had been in love with me.

He sits in front of me, moving my hair out of my face.

"AJ I think you need to stand out in the hall." He turns to AJ as he stands there with a sad look on his face.

"I'm sorry." He tears up, leaving.

Gables POV:

"Alexa." I say grabbing her face and pulling it towards mine. "Do you remember me?" I ask and a single tear slides down her face.

She smiles this big bright smile. "Yes." She says.

I push her lips into mine. Thank god. Our lips caress each other's when someone clears there throat.

"Oh Dean." She says pulling back.

"So you do remember me at least." He chuckles.

"She remembers me now, but she doesn't remember anything else past when Baron first left about a year ago." I speak up for her.

"Actually... I remember AJ... and the car wreck." She says looking down at the sheets again.

"Do y'all want anything to eat?" Dean asks pointing to a vending machine down the hall.

"No." Alexa says still looking at the sheets.

"I'll take a bag of chips." I say pulling out my wallet.

"Naw its fine dude, I got it." He says walking out of the room.

I sit back down on the bed. "Alexa why didn't you tell me." I say putting a finger on her chin trying to pull her chin up but she snatches it away.

"It's nothing to worry about."

Alexa's POV:

Talking about the crash brings up more memories

"Alexa get in the car now!" AJ screamed at me.

"No." I yelled crossing my arms.

He walked closely to me and put his mouth on my ear.

"You wanna see your precious boyfriend hurt?" He asked.

"I don't have a boyfriend." I backup because I though he was talking about Baron.

"Gable." He whispered.

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