17• Can I Help?

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Gables POV:


"Alexa." I say laying a hand on her cheek. "Alexa, wake up." I run my thumb across her jawline. "It's time to wake up now."

Her eyes are still closed but she grabs my arm and wraps it into her chest. I slowly slide next to her.

I wanna stay like this forever.

"Alexa let's go!" Nia says dragging Alexa out of bed.

Alexa try's to stand up but her limp leg makes her collapse to the ground.

"Alexa I'm so sorry. I forgot." Nia says trying to pick her up but Alexa aggressively slaps her hands away.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" She screams at her.

"Ale-." She starts

"GET OUT!" She screams louder. "GET OUT!" Nia quickly walks out.

"Alexa." I say as she sits up straight on the ground.

Her hair is messy and stuck in her tears. "Alexa please don't cry." I touch her arm.

"DONT TOUCH ME!" She screams and I let go.

"Alexa. I'm...I'm not gonna hurt you." I say grabbing for her hand.

"I said don't touch me." She whispers quickly moving her hand out of the way. "Please don't touch me." She puts her hand onto her chest, over her heart, as if she can't breathe.

"Alexa." I say sitting defeated next to her as she balls her eyes out.

"I just wanna feel normal! Nothing about this is fucking normal! I can barely eat and I can't sleep! I just wanna be okay! I shouldn't have got in that damn car... but... but I didn't want him to hurt you!" She yells.


"I wanna feel normal." She whispers.

"Alexa why were you trying to protect me?" I ask.

"Because... I love you." She whispers. "Because I care for you. Because you've been there for me for me through all this... and where the hell is Baron?!?"

I look at the ground and remember the flowers he sent. He left a little note in it.

Dear Alexa,

Im so sorry. I've had to go on and travel with WWE. I have to obey my contract. I hope you'll forgive me.

I took it out of the flowers while Alexa was a asleep. I didn't want her to think less of him.

"Gable if you know something tell me!" She screams at me.

"I don't." I whisper still not looking at her.

Alexa's POV:

I know he's lying, he looks away when he lies. I learned that when he told I was gonna be fine, because nothing is ever gonna be fine again.

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