25•Go. Run.

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Gables POV:

"What's going on?!" I yell.

"You had a panic attack and just passed out." Nia says calmly grappling my hand.

"Where's Alexa!?"

"She's still in surgery. Your fine." She rubs her thumb across my hand.


"Gable Stop!"  Nia covers my mouth. "Gable Stop. Your gonna have another panic attack!" She screams.

"ALEXA! PLEASE!" I cry out. "Please." I whisper into her arm as she wraps me into her breasts. "Alexa..." I wail.

Alexa's POV:

"GABLE! PLEASE!" I yell into the darkness.

I put out my hand to feel around. I touch a warm wall. And feel something grab my hand and pull my aching bones into it.

"Gable." I whisper.

"Alexa." He whisper back.

I feel his arms intertwine me into him.

"Don't let go." I whisper to him.

"I don't wanna but... I have to. It's time for you to go okay." He smashes his lips into mine.

"It's time." He whispers once kissing my cheek.

I search in the darkness, reaching out but I can't feel him.

"GABLE!" I scream. "GABLE PLEASE!"

"He's always gonna Leave you... but I'm never gonna leave you again." I hear a voice say in the distance.

I feel a hand grasp onto mine.

"Baron?" I grab onto his shirt.

"Always." He chuckles.

Gables POV:

"Alexa wake up, Alexa...please wake up. ALEXA!" I scream into the void.

"Alexa!" I wake up with a start.

"Chad,it's okay, you just passed out again." The nurse says.

"Is she okay?" I sit up straight on the hospital bed.

"She's doing good, just a few more hours." She rubs her hand onto mine and then just walks out.

I can't stop thinking about how she felt in my arms when she cried or the perfume she wore when she went out drinking that night or even when I laid next to her in the hospital bed when she was still unconscious.

I get up pacing back and forth even though my knees are clacking together.

"Your awake. That's good. I went and got some Panda Express." Nia chimes.

"I'm fine." I stare out of the window.

"You need to eat." She puts a hand onto my shoulder.

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