31• This Could Get Interesting

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Alexa's POV:

"You could always share a room with me." He laughs so I can't tell if he's joking or not.

"Oh you THE Dean Ambrose wants me to stay in a room with him?" I chuckle.

"Yeah. I don't see why not." He say in a very serious tone. "As long as you don't try and violate me." He begins to laugh again.

"No promises." I push his shoulder laughing.

"Come on let me help you." He says taking the backpack from me. "Grab your crutches, let's go." He chuckles.

I laugh grabbing my crutches and slide into the elevator next to him.

"Is this all you have?" He says like he's weighing my backpack with his hand.

"I couldn't carry my suitcase..." I look down at the floor.

"Are you gonna tell me what happened?" He rubs my shoulder.

"I will if you do me a favor." I look up at him.

Gables POV:

"Your not?" She asks me.

"I'm in love with Alexa." I rush.

"Stand up." She sounds aggressive.

"No, Why?" I ask confused.

"Stand up!" She grabs my hand pulling me up from my seat. I stand in front her staring into her caramel eyes. I've never noticed how long her eyelashes are, they almost touch her eyebrows.

She smiles a pearly white smile at me, then she perks her lips out beginning to lean into to touch mine.

Someone clears there throat.

We quickly turn around at the sound.

"I'm here for Alexa's bags." He dryly drags out.

"I'll help." I try walking over to her bags but Dean stands in my way.

"You've done enough." He stares me down.

"What do you mean by that!" I yell at him.

"You and Nia! That's her best friend! And y'all wanna just suddenly make out now! You had to have cheated on her! DIDN'T YOU?!" He gets up in my face.

"You were kissing her?" I look behind to Dean as he turns around.

"Alex-" I say but she crutches out of the room. "This is all your fault!" I scream at Dean, pushing him back.

"My fault?! Was it my fault you were making out with her?! Was it my fault you let her go?! Was it my fault you just let an amazing girl slip through your hands?!" He screams in my face, pushing me back.

"I didn't think so." He says rushing behind me grabbing her two suitcases and putting them into her wheelchair.

I watch on speechless. No one has ever talked to me like that.

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