8•25% Chance

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Gables POV:

"When does this storyline start?" Dolph starts off.

"Tonight." Shane replies


"Get out. Your doing the storyline or your fired." Shane calmly says.

"Whatever!" AJ screams throwing his hands in the air and storms out.

I look over at Alexa, Who sits there looking at the wall, with a blank expression.

"Y'all may go." Shane finally says.

I watch as Dolph and Jason leave, but Alexa continues to sit there. Finally see shakes out of her day dream, and quickly gets up.

She looks at me, smirks a tiny bit, and walks out quickly.


Dolph stands in the middle of the ring complaining about how I "stole his woman" when I saved her from falling off the apron a few weeks back.

"Dude I was trying to help 'your woman'" I say walking out from backstage.

"You stole her from me!" He screams.

"I can't help she didn't wanna be with you." I chuckle.

"boys, boys, boys." Alexa comes up behind me, placing her tiny hand around my arm. "Gables to nice of a guy to ever like a witch like me." She chuckles but I can tell in her eyes she seems sad.

"Oh babe, your not a witch." Dolph says.

"He's right. Your not a witch. But you deserve a real man. Not a little boy or even the sad excuse for a person in that ring." A voice says.

I turn around as AJ walks out from the backstage.

"Excuse me?" Alexa says. "Who the hell are you?!" She screams at him.

"Baby girl, I'm your new future husband." He chuckles, walking towards Alexa, and places his hand on her cheek.

She jerks his hand aggressively away from her face. Her face is furious looking, and not the fake anger for storylines, this- this is like a burning fire inside of her.

Her eyes become glassy with tears. I quickly pull her away from AJ and into my arms. She aggressively throws her arms around me, digging her fingers into my back.

Shane's music begins to play and he walks out.

"So it's come to my attention that the WWE Universe has mixed emotions about who they think Alexa should be with." He says and the crowd begins to cheer. "I have devised a plan to sort this out." He booms. "Next Tuesday There we be a match between... AJ STYLES." He pauses for the crowds cheers. "DOLPH ZIGGLER!" The crowd is quieter but still some cheers. "AND CHAD GABLE!" They cheer louder than they did for AJ, and it brings a smile to my face.

"May the best man win!" Shane says excitedly as he walks off the stage.

Alexa still stand there in my arms. I quickly pick her up, as she wraps her legs around my waist and I walk backstage with her.

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