27• WWE

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Alexa's POV:

I slowly tap Gable, trying to wake him up.

"Don't bother. He's a hard sleeper." She chuckles.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"Him, and the only way to get him... is to kill you." She says holding a huge needle in her hand.

"Sasha...we can work something out."

"There's nothing to work out. You have what I want, now I have to take it from you." She steps into the room and over to my side of the bed.

"No please don't." I cry.

"It's only gonna hurt for a second sweetie." She smirks.

"NO!" I scream.

Gable quickly flies over me and into Sasha, tackling the needle out of her hand.

"NURSE!" Gable screams pinning Sasha's arms to the ground as she tries to fight back.

I press the code button next to my bed as a team of nurses run into the room.

"Get her!" I yell at them.

Gables POV:

I tackle someone to the ground and pin there arms down. I see shining purple hair cascading on the floor.

"NURSE!" I scream finally noticing the needle a few inches away from her hands.

Alexa presses her code button and they come running in.

"Get her!" I scream at them as they just stand there staring at us.

They finally comprehend. One nurse picks her up and puts her hands behind her back as another grabs the needle from the floor.

They take her away as she screams "IM GONNA GET YOU ALEXA!" over and over all the way down the hallway.

"Are you okay?" I brush the hair out of Alexa's eyes.

She doesn't say anything, just sits there with tears streaming down her cheeks, and a straight face.

"Alexa." I shake her face in my hands. She looks up and begins to cry hard, ugly tears.

"I'm scared." She says tucking her head into my chest.

"Your okay. Your okay baby." I say rubbing the back of her head with my thumb.

Alexa's POV:

"Your okay baby." He says rubbing his thumb on my hair.

Baby... ?

I like it...


"Awe could y'all be anymore cute." Nia says waking me from my sleep. I look down and Gables head has made its way down to my stomach, his arms wrapped around my thighs. My hand is laid in his brown, messy hair.

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