9•Do You Got A Second

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Alexa's POV:

"Alexa, I'm sorry, please talk to me." He says laying his warm hand on my thigh.

"Your... Your coming back to WWE... on SmackDown Live..." I whisper.

"Yes..." He says gripping my thigh tighter. I begin to cry once more as the tears drop down onto my top. "Alexa, please don't cry." He says as he pulls over on the side of the road.

He grabs my face and kisses my forehead.

"Alexa please stop crying." He says.

I unbuckle my seat neat and slide over to the middle seat. I'm lay my head on his chest.

"I-I just missed you so much." I whimper into his shirt.

"I missed you too but why are you crying?" He asks.

Gables POV:

"Is she... is she still in love with him...?" I ask Nia.

"I have no idea." She chuckles. "Are you?" She asks me.

"Am I What?" I ask confused.

"In love with Alexa?" She questions me confidently.

"Gable, Let's go!" Jason yells at me.

"Sorry... I... I gotta go... nice talking to you." I stamper.

"No problem, have a good night." She smiles and walks away.

I run out to the car and I see AJ and Dolph fighting. I leave it alone though, they can settle it themselves.

Alexa's POV:

We get to the diner. It's small and old. We sit down at a round table with cute little fox shaped salt and pepper holders.

"Can I get you two anything to drink?" The waiter asks.

"I'll have a rootbeer float." Baron says as he voice carries around the building.

"I'll have a water." I smile. The waiter quickly writes our order down and rushes off to the back.

"Alexa, are you ever gonna tell me?" He whispers.

"Tell you what?" I ask.

"Why you were crying.?" He says.

"Rough day, that's all." I say skimming the menu.

"You don't look at me when you lie Alexa." He says grabbing my hand. I quickly look him in the eyes and repeat it.

The waiter brings a breeze as she rushes to put our drinks down and gets out her little notepad.

"What would y'all like to eat?" She says quietly.

"I'll take a Deluxe Cheeseburger and a lot of fries." Baron chuckles, knowing he seems like a fatty.

The waiter writes it down and quickly looks back at me.

"I'll just take a salad." I say and sip on my water as she quickly grabs the menus and scurries away.

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