21•I Will Never Need You

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Alexa's POV:

I lean back pushing my head into my seat.

"I'm sorry." I say looking down at my feet.

He turns my head back to him and pushes his lips back into mine. We crash together... it's the most beautiful wreck I've ever felt. 

He barely pulls away and I can feel his breath on my face as he says "Don't ever be sorry." Before he collapses his lips back into mine.


30 minutes later and he pulls back onto the highway. We're silenced by the tension still floating around in the air.

I look over to him and he looks back at me.

I turn back around to the freeway to see...

"GABLE!" I scream as he swerves out of the way of a vehicle in the wrong lane.

I grip loosened off of his arm as I feel my body begin to shake again.

"I...I...can't......breathe." I panic out.

Gable pulls over the car and runs to my side of the vehicle. He unbuckles my seatbelt, throwing me into his arms and sitting on the grass so close to the woods behind us.

"Alexa. Your okay. Alexa. Your okay." He repeats himself over and over, cradling and rocking me back and forth.

I can feel his heart beating outside of his chest. My panic begins to subside and I notice Gable isn't okay.

"Gable..." I whisper over him.

But he doesn't say anything except, "Alexa. Your okay." Over and over.

"GABLE!" I sit up grabbing his face in my hands forcing me to look at him.

"Your okay." He says as tears fall down his cheeks. "Your okay!" He whispers loudly as he wraps his heavy arms around me.

"I'm so sorry." He cries.

"Gable What are you sorry for?" I ask him pushing his shoulders, to see his unshaven face.

"I...I didn't protect you..." He murmurs.

"We're okay Gable." I wipe a tear from his left eye.

"Your not okay!" He screams pushing me off. Not in a mean way but in a I just can't right now way.

I lay there on the ground looking up at him as he paces away from me. He keeps hiring himself in the head with the palm of his hand.

I hobble to my one good foot. "Gable." I yell. "GABLE!" He doesn't turn around.

"CHAD!" I cry. He immediately turns around.

His forehead is red and beads of sweat and tears run down his body.

" I love you." I say. He walks towards me like he determined.

He stops halfway. "You can't love me." He says.

"And why can't I?" I ask.

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